Now Playing: [Waiting for You - A-One]
"The best plan, is no plan."
Aste Perimeter
26th December 2048 –15 00hrs
535 km from The Base
Quanta: You cannot be serious.
Mariul: One couldst not be ever more so.
Quanta: I thought Fivers could procure anything they wanted? At least a docile cart...
Nova: Too – bad.
Mariul: One must remind a whelp like you that the laws of Aste are vastly different from the likes Entswer.
Quanta: Shut the fuck up, you yourself didn't know the laws of Entswer.
Mariul: Fucking-
Nova: Noisy –
The three have reached the outskirts of Aste, The Perimeter of Aste. Beyond The Perimeter lies the danger of prowling beasts, it is also the point of "every man for themselves.". Quanta expected that there would be a means of transport to be at the ready before they departed for their deed. Instead, what waited for them was... nothing. Quanta ran her hands through her hair, knowing what it entailed.
Quanta: We are NOT going on foot again.
Mariul: Feel free to go to Entswer's Perimeter and go around until you reach here.
Quanta: uuuuugggggghhh.
Nova: Pitter-patter footsteps.
Mariul: Let us move.
Mariul and Nova turned to leave, walking in earnest.
Quanta: Hey wait!
Quanta: You haven't told me how we gonna find this thing!
Mariul: pffftt. Ah, mine apologies for notinforming the whelp about the plan. OW!
Nova kicks Mariul's shin, looking annoyed. Quanta lets out a stifled laugh.
Nova: Silly stick. Why you - never tell?
Mariul: ...
Mariul: Fine.
Mariul: The Four's intel has observed that the beast resembles a form of a large bird. The only way to track tis twit is the intensity of the rain. No rain was reported towards the west. Thus, this is the direction.
Mariul: Happy?
Nova nods in approval and continues walking first. Quanta still looked confused and continued asking.
Quanta: That's all? That's all The Four got? What are we going to do when we see it? What are we-
Quanta pauses as she sees Mariul give her a subtle smirk, before turning towards the outskirts. It was then she remembered what her comrades-in-arms back in Entswer always said with the same smirk. Against beasts of the unknown, "The best plan, is no plan."

The Equilateral
FantasyIn 2012, a biological shift in the regions of the Antarctic spawned multiple devastating beasts upon the land. Since then, they have ravaged around the globe, knocking down borders and purging human life. In 2020, a legendary figure now known as "Th...