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Grian flew out of the nether portal and towards the head games place with spontaneous giggles, his face bright, his arms cradling three of his own skulls. He landed on the mycelium just next to the stairway, exclaiming a victory "Dun du-du dun!" as he ascended the steps.

His sparkling cerulean orbs quickly scanned the perimeter for his pole as he wandered around aimlessly. Finally locating it, he took his heads and placed them in the provided item frames, while also noticing that false had somehow acquired one of his heads as well. He put his hands on his hips and smiled, proud of the genius and stupidity of his tactic.

"Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant." He went down the stairs, while looking with his head slightly up, chatting to his audience about the trick's potential and ingenuity. Once he reached the bottom, he looked to the Leaderboard and eye-ed the scores. But he paused when his dazzling blue eyeballs reached the name of that who was in 5th place. He stopped dead. In the signpost, etched into the birch wood, was the word "Grain".

His eyelids fluttered as he ceased in shock. Within a few moments, he noticed that his eyes had begun to tear up, and despite being right out in the open public, he let the tears run. His vision was being fogged by the transparent drops of melancholy starting to pour down his cheeks. His eyes, once twinkling with joy and passion, were now twinkling with tears.

His feelings swirled, and he could feel his anger bubbling and rising as it mingled with the misery inside of him. Why! WHY?! Why could people just not understand how hard it was for him!? And why couldn't they accept the fact that he was not bread, and that he was, in fact, a waffle. Why could nobody accept him for who he truly was?

He turned around to fly towards the portal and tried to supress his sobs. Maybe he couldn't ever be a seen as a true waffle. Perhaps his destiny was to be known as this Grain character... as 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥...? He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts that were creeping in. He leaped into the air and sped towards the portal, wiping his eyeballs with the sleeve of his arm. Once he landed on the platform that portal was stood upon, he stopped. He looked into the palms of his hands.

Is that really how people saw him? Is that how he was supposed to be seen? As... Grain? His body shook, before he buried his face into his hands, and uncontrollably weeped. There was no point in trying to stop it, so he let himself cry, as he fell to his knees, and fought back his thoughts of fury and sorrow.

He knew that he couldn't go to the nether until he had his composure, so he stood up, straightened his back, and stepped inside of the portal with one last sniff. When the purple swirls stopped spinning and glowing, it all faded to black, before he woke up with a jolt, panting heavily.

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