Curtis Sister Part 2

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This was not requested at the time of writing


You sat up in bed, confused. Darry was sitting next to you in the armchair. " Darry.. " You stammered. He looked at you. " Y/N, how do you feel?

You tried to get up, but fell. Everything hurt.  " Like I just hit myself with a sledgehammer and then slammed my body into ten million butcher knives. " You groaned.

Darry chuckled and handed you a water bottle. " You've been asleep since Saturday, it's Wednesday. " He said, stroking your hair.

" Jeez, and it feels like I just blinked.. " You mumbled, and tried to get up again.

" Don't bother, your leg is broken. " He said. You mumbled something under your breath and tried to get up again. You were definitely stubborn.

" Y/N, take it easy! " Johnny said, walking in the room. " Hey. " You greeted him. He sat on the bed and flipped through a magazine that was on your dresser.

" Johnny Cade, just flipping through a women's fashion magazine! " You said in a British accent. Johnny giggled and threw the magazine at your head. " Asshole " You muttered playfully.

" Y/N Y/M/N Curtis, language! " Darry scolded. You and Johnny erupted with laughter.

" If you weren't pretty much crippled I'd let you have it, Y/N! " Darry muttered, getting up and walking away. 

" If you weren't so pretty I wouldn't have thought of you when I saw this. " Johnny said, reaching into his pocket. He handed you a beautiful locket.

" Oh my gosh, Johnny! It's beautiful.." You said, hugging him. " Yeah, look inside! " He told you. You opened it, and found a picture of you and him. " Aww! I love that picture. I cant believe you still have it! " You said, leaning your head on his shoulder. 

" Yeah. I've kept every picture of us that has ever been taken. You mean the world to me, Y/N, you are my best friend. " He said, putting an arm around you. You smiled and kissed his cheek. Right on his scar.


Thanks so much for reading! Should I do a part three?? Request in the comments!

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