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Dallas had drug me to yet another party. Why? I don't know. My older brother Steve would not approve of me being here, but whatever. He's probably out making out with some random broad right now. Dallas is my best friend, so of course I said yes. I didn't want to be there.

We walked into the party, and Dallas already had a beer in hand. " Dal, go easy on the drinks. " I said as we stood around, listening to the music. " Don't you worry, man, I ain't gonna have more than four. " That was a lie.

About an hour into the party, Dallas was passed out on a couch. " Yeah, four beers, huh? " I scoffed as I helped him up. " Four plus some more... " He slurred. I sighed and helped him to the car. I helped him lay down in the back seat as I drove out to the lake. I wasn't going to let him go to the Curtis house like this around Ponyboy.

I went back there with Dally, and put my arms around him. " Are you cold? " I asked. " Yeah, doll... " I was confused as to why he called me doll. " Dal, why did you call me doll? " I look at him. " Because.... I um... " He stuttered.

" You're cute when you're drunk... " I smile at him, laying my head on his chest. " And you're cute when you're sober... " Dally mumbled. He put his arms around me and kissed my forehead. " You know, doll... I've been in love with you for so long... " 

I looked at him, confused, but happy. " Y-you have? "  I ask. He nods. " I'm not saying that out of drunkenness.... I love you with all my heart... " He mumbles. " Dally.... I love you, too... " I smile and press my head against his.

We stayed wrapped in each other's embrace for a bit, and then it got dark, so I drove us home. We spent the night cuddling and talking about useless things. Dally had a terrible hangover, so I took care of him, obviously. When he was finally not hungover, he asked me to be his girlfriend, to which I said yes.

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