Sort Of Prom- Dallas

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This one is going to be my favorite!!!

" But Dally! Prom is only once a year! Please? " You begged. He just shook his head stubbornly. " No way, I ain't gonna be seen wearing a suit or dancing or anything of the sorts! " He snapped. " If you don't go to prom with me, I guess I'm going to have to go with Ponyboy. " You sneered, hoping that he would change his mind at that.

" Hell no you aren't. I wouldn't let my girlfriend go with someone else to save my life. You ain't goin, doll. " He said, turning around to face you. " But, that ain't fair, Dally! " You groaned. " Life ain't fair, sweetheart. " He snickered before grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him.

" Look, doll, Tim Shepherd is throwing this huge party the weekend before, we can go to that instead. I just... I can't be around all those damn socs. " He said, walking into the pantry to look for a snack. " I'll make it up to you doll. I promise. " He said softly. Dally never made promises he couldn't keep. You sighed, knowing you'd been beat. " Okay... "

He smiled and grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. " You want a sandwich? " He asked. " Sure, with a side of rat poison and some bleach to drink with it. " You laughed. " Well, it seems like we are all out of rat poison, and I just used the bleach to dump on my eyes so I could go blind after seeing some things I shouldn't have concerning Mr. Darrel Curtis. " He grinned before pulling you into a tight hug.

" Wait- You walked in on Darry jacking off!? " You exclaimed, shocked. " No, uh, he was fucking someone. " Dally said before turning back to making his sandwich. " Damn, I didn't know he was seeing someone. " You mumbled before reaching in Dally's pocket to try and find a lighter.

" Hey, no smoking, pretty lady. " He said, snatching the cigarette from you. You playfully shoved him and sat on the counter, talking about nonsense. Dally loved that about you though.

" So, what do you think of birds? What if they are cameras sent by the government? "

" Y/N, that's bullshit. I shot a bird yesterday for shits and giggles. "

" You know, we just buy trash bags to throw them away... "

" Oh, lord have mercy! I've been wasting my money then! "

" I saw in the newspaper that you're only tuff if you go to prom... "

" Yeah, nice try, doll. "

" Please? "

" Nope. "

" Then I'm going to tell Darry that you told me you know he was fucking someone. "

" Yeah, good luck with that, 'cause before he could say anything I woke up. "

" Oh, so you had a dream that he was fucking someone? "

" Yeah, I wont say who he was fucking though. It was... odd. "

" C'mon, tell me! "

" Fine. "

" Well? "

" Yeah, uh, he was fucking a goddamn penguin. "

" Dallas, I'm scared for you. I mean, what the fuck is that dream? "

Dally snickers before sitting on the counter next to you. " So, doll, you want to watch a movie? " He asked. You shook your head. " No, Girls! Girls! Girls! isn't on tonight, and that is my favorite movie in the whole world. " You responded. " Well, the silence is too loud, so I'm gonna turn on the radio. " He said, hopping down and turning on the radio, where Jimi Hendrix started blasting.

" This song is lame. " He muttered before changing the station. The song that was playing when you first met was on. " Aww, it's our song.. " You mumbled, holding his hand. He put his hands on your waist and smiled. " Yeah... I love you so much, doll. Even more than cigarettes. "

You snickered and put your arms around his neck. " I love you even more. " He shook his head. " That isn't possible. " He testified. You smiled and kissed him slowly. " Since we aren't going to prom, will you dance with me now? " You asked. He hesitated but agreed.

You couldn't see why he wouldn't go with you, because he was literally the best at dancing. It was a more upbeat song, 'cause you were at a bar when you met. 

'Cause, baby, there ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe

You knew that Dally loved you, and he knew that you loved him. " I love you so much, doll. " He always called you Doll, and you usually called him Dally or Baby. He was a totally different person with you. Sweet, kind, and most of all, loving. " You're so beautiful. I love when you wear my clothes... " He whispered. You had on his huge shirt that fit you like a dress.

Someone knocked on the door, and ruined the moment, though. It was none other than Steve. " I brought beer. Can I hang here for a bit? " He asked. You nodded and let him in. Dally instantly put on his tuff act. " Damn Steve. " He muttered, taking a beer. Through the night, the rest of the gang just so happened to show up.

The music was blasting, and the gang was all drinking and having fun. Dally wrapped his hands around your waist and whispered in your ear " Consider this the after party, doll. "

And, boy howdy, it sure was.

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