Preview of my new book series!

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I've got a new book series coming out about 15 year old Abigail Thomas and Johnny Cade.

I was at the lot with Johnny watching the lightning storm. " Wow.. the lightning might be the prettiest thing I've seen... Johnny? Have you seen anything prettier than the lightning? " I mumbled. " Yeah, but there's only one of it in the whole universe.. " He responded, putting an arm around my shoulder. I gazed into his dark eyes as he flicked his soaked hair out of his face.

" What is it, Johnny? " I asked, wanting to know what he thought. " You... " He whispered. I turned red and smiled. " Aww, Johnny. Thanks.. " I grinned, laying your head on his shoulder. He held my hand as you we sat there, soaked from the rain as we watched the lightning in the biggest storm I've ever seen.

" Why don't we go to the Curtis house? " He asked, shivering. " Good idea.. why don't you go home and get clothes? I'll go with you incase of your parents. " I said. He nodded and we walked to his house.

" Go get changed, I'll distract your mom. " I whispered, walking into the kitchen where his mom was sitting at the table drinking a glass of water instead of alcohol.

" Hello, Mrs. Cade. " I said, waving. " Abigail! How are you? " She asked, unusually happy. " I'm doing well. How about you and Mr. Cade? " I asked. " I'm doing well, Mr. Cade on the other hand... He left us a few weeks ago. Had Johnny not told you? " She said. I was surprised. " No, Ma'am. I'm sorry about that. " I said. She smiled.

" Why don't you sit down? Is Johnny here? " She asked. I nodded. " We were watching the lightning and he forgot his jacket so he's soaked. I think he is changing. " I responded, sitting in the seat next to her.

" Don't tell Johnny, but I've decided to give up drinking and try and be a better mother for him. He doesn't deserve how I have treated him. I guess it took that old bastard leaving for me to realize it. " She said. 

" I've decided to tell him tonight over brisket, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, brownies, and my famous sweet tea. " She said, smiling. I grinned. " Oh, Mrs. Cade! That is just wonderful! I'm happy for the both of you! "

She smiled and took a sip of water. " Would you like to stay? Johnny is always talking about how great you are, and how you have made a difference in his life. " She offered. I considered it. " As long as I'm not intruding, I would love to! I hear good stuff about your brisket! " I grinned from ear to ear.

" Groovy! Dinner is at six. You guys should stay here, the storm is going to be way worse later. I heard it on the radio on the way back from the store. " She said, standing up and walking to the stove to put the brisket in the oven. " Okay. Can I help with dinner? " I asked.

" If you want to. Would you mind getting Johnny? He loves making the brownies. " She said. I nodded. " Sure. Be back in a second. " I said, walking to his room. I tapped on the door. 

" Johnny, your mom wants to know if you want to make brownies? " I called. He opened the door a few seconds later, wearing a hoodie and sweat pants. His normally greasy hair was still damp from the rain, but he hadn't put any grease in it.

" Sure, Abigail. I'd love to! " He smiled, grabbing a towel and attempting to dry off his hair some more. When we got back in the kitchen, Mrs. Cade was stirring something in a pot. 

" That smells great, Mom! " Johnny exclaimed, peeking over her shoulder. " Sure does, kiddo. I know how much you love my brown gravy, so I made sure to make it for you. " She smiled, patting him on the shoulder.

" Is Abigail staying for dinner? " He asked, grabbing a mixing bowl. She nodded. " Yep! Will one of you turn on the radio? I can't do the quiet. " She said, turning back to the stove. I nodded and turned on the radio. Elvis was playing. I tapped your foot along as I skinned the potatoes.

The evening was filled with The Beatles, Elvis, Van Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix. I enjoyed the peace between Mrs. Cade and Johnny. " Johnny, those brownies just smell heavenly! " I said, inhaling the amazing scent. He grinned and tried to steal a piece of brisket that had just come out of the oven.

Mrs. Cade swatted his hand away. " Wait 'till dinner, goofball. " She said. He stuck his tongue out at her playfully and continued to chop the potatoes. I made the dinner rolls, making sure to add extra butter.

" Y/N, would you and Johnny. go set the table while I make the tea? " She asked. I nodded. " Sure. Come on, Johnny. " I said, grabbing the silverware and plates as he grabbed the napkins and cups.

I was setting a plate down on the table as I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Johnny grinning at me. " I don't know what you did to my mom, but thank you, Abigail. " He said quietly. I smiled and began to say something, but I was cut off as he kissed me.

I had kissed other guys before, but nothing compared to this. This kiss was filled with love. His soft lips fit on mine perfectly. My hand made his way to his jaw as I leaned into the kiss. 

I began to wonder why I hadn't told him I had been in love with him before. I decided I would tell him after dinner. We broke apart, both smiling and red as a tomato. The silence that followed was awkward, yet at the same time it wasn't. 

Johnny sat next to me at the table as we sat down to eat. The brisket was the best thing I'd ever eaten. " So, Johnny, there is something I'd like to tell you. " Mrs. Cade said. Johnny looked at her as I tried not to smile. 

" Whatever it is, I'm sorry in advance Mom. In all fairness though, it was probably Two-bit whatever happened. " He said before she could say anything. I giggled. 

" No, Johnny, you aren't in trouble. And if you were, it probably was Two-bit. " Mrs. Cade chuckled. " I have some news I think you've been dreaming of hearing. I've decided that I will be giving up drinking and finally getting our life back on track. I haven't been the best mother for you, and I'm sorry. Abigail has convinced me that you need a mother who will be there for you, and I know if I really try I can be that for you. I love you, Johnny. " Mrs. Cade finished.

Johnny's eyes began to tear up as he broke a smile. " I love you, too, Mom. " He whispered, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He got up to hug her, and I definitely felt kind of out of place. He sat back down and squeezed my hand tightly. " Thank you, Abby. " He whispered. I grinned. " Anytime... " 

He kissed my cheek and we finished dinner. I helped with dishes and then Johnny and I went  to his room to play Monopoly. " Not fair! I wanted to be the dog! " I exclaimed, playfully shoving him as he snatched the dog piece. He stuck his tongue out at me and kissed me. I grinned.

" Okay, maybe I can be the shoe this once.. " I smiled at him, grabbing the silver piece. I won, obviously, and Johnny was a sore loser. " You cheated! " He griped, flopping on his bed. " Did not! " I snapped. I shook him, trying to get his attention. He pulled the covers over his head.

I pulled the covers off of him and laid down next to him. " Did I tell you what happens to the loser? " I asked. He shook his head slightly. " Why don't I just show you? " I whispered, putting an arm around him.

I kissed him and he grinned. " Maybe I don't mind losing so much now. But you still cheated! " He laughed. I scoffed and hit him with a pillow.

It was All Quiet On The Cade Front..

For now

Alright! This is Chapter One of my new series, consisting of  3 different books. Yall comment if you want more previews of my other up and coming series!

Stay Gold, Bitches!

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