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Next month will be the day to obtain the grimoires. Y/n, Asta, and Yuno finally reached the age of 15 and are now focusing seriously on their training. Every day when they wake up, they immediately go out to have a run, or help Father Orsi deliver letters in the village, or Sister Lily on her chores. The rest of the month before they'll get their grimoires, they just kept on training. Sometimes they train in their separate ways and sometimes they do it together. 

(Y/n's POV)

It has been some time now since I recognize my magic is somewhat related to the sky, but it's beyond the sky, it's like in outer space. I did not pay any attention to what my magic is before but when I saw Yuno's wind magic at the age of seven, I realized that we have different types of magic and it has their own unique ways and traits. Now my second family did not tell me that...the maids did not even bother to tell me too, probably because they were focused on taking care of me and helping me with the things that I really need.

So I got curious about what my magic is. That's why I've been training daily but not like when I was five years old. Then after I train physically, I always go to the village's library to search for more information about my magic. I always get curious when there are some new things that I do not know since I am a very curious person.

I would always go to the Grimoire Tower's watcher's office. The watcher is an old man who wears weird clothes, it's like he's a wizard. I would constantly visit him in the office to borrow some books and I'll bring them with me to my favorite spot, which is on top of the demon's skull beside the First Wizard Kings' statue. I kept on reading books because it has become one of my favorite hobbies besides hunting, fighting, training, meditating, eating, and sleeping.

I then finally gave my magic a name.

Galaxy Magic. Yes, I named my magic, finally...Galaxy Magic. Now all I have to do is to wait for next month to obtain my grimoire.


Y/n got back to the church after she concluded that her days were finished. When she arrived, she was met by Yuno and Asta at the church's front door. It seems like both of the boys were also busy doing their things today.

Y/n: So, we met here again at the same time huh?

Yuno: Always

Asta: Guys! I just can't wait for the day we can finally get our own grimoires! Aren't you excited?!

Y/n: I mean, yeah, we are excited Asta.

Yuno: But you are just too excited.

Y/n: *Laughs* Right! But honestly, I am also nervous despite looking forward to it.

Yuno: Why are you nervous? Asta here should be the one to get nervous.

Asta: So mean!

Y/n: I don't know, probably because it is finally here, that's why. I've been looking forward to it since the day I was made aware of grimoires, Magic Knights, and stuff like the capital. Also, there are expectations everywhere, even in the church. So, I can't afford to not be able to reach that expectation. Do you get that feeling?

Yuno: I do.

Asta: Me too.


It is now finally the day for receiving their grimoires. Teens from the age of fifteen will gather at the Grimoire Tower to wait for the time when the grimoires go to the rightful owners. 

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