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(Y/n's POV)

So, I chose the Crimson Lions for these reasons.

Because I wanted to avoid Yuno, I didn't choose Golden Dawn, sorry Captain William. Because bull man is bull man, I didn't choose Black Bulls. Because Gezel and Solid are in the Silver Eagles and they are the ones whom I wanted to avoid as much as possible. Because if I'm in the Coral Peacock the captain's sleeping form can be contagious for me. Because the captain of the Green Mantis is creepy and has a death note. Because the captain of the Aqua Deer is so cheery. Because the captain of the Purple Orca looks like he's been hiding something that I cannot put my hands into, dunno why. Lastly, because the Blue Rose Knights only have girls on them. And now!!! I am in Crimson Lions who ONLY HAVE BOYS IN IT!!! haaaa~should I just make my own squad or something? Of course there's no turning back. It's not like I don't like my squad. I was just shocked, surprised, dumbfounded and AAHHH!!!! I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!! LET'S JUST LIVE OUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST! I was supposed to make as many friends as possible! Well of course I CAN make friends with these SENIORS like ho ho~ it's no problem at all...! I said that sarcastically okay? But honestly I am not picky when it comes to making friends, but I can be picky sometimes depending on the situation. I am not like Asta that much.

Right now there is only one thing that I am doing. And that is adjusting. I'm trying my best to adjust to this new environment. Now inhale haa, exhale hoo, inhale haa, exhale hoo. inhale haa—

"Hey Y/n! Don't just stand there! And what are you doing...? Come on, let's give you a tour around the base!" Leo called out to me.

"Oh right. OKAY!", I followed Leo and Captain Feugoleon then, when the entrance door opened I found myself admiring the place, forgetting my problems in just one second. There are chandeliers, big ones and ginormous stairs. The walls are high and the ceiling has the Crimson Lion logo. I love everything in it.

"This is only the entrance Y/n." Captain tells me like he knows what I'm thinking.

"Wow! I am already stunned at the entrance but there's more?! Captain please show me everything in the base!! Especially the library, the training grounds, the common room AND THE KITCHEN!!! Pretty please!?!?"

"Y-yes of course, but first calm yourself down." The captain said then sweatdropped.

"I AM CALM!! *jumping*"

"You don't look like you are actually *laughs*." Leo laughed.

(End of Y/n's POV)

Y/n: Can we please go now? Please???"*shaking Leo*

Leo: Okay! Okay! Okay! Just don't kill me!" *dizzy*

Y/n: *let Leo go and runs up to the stairs* Hurry up Leo you slow poke!

Leo: *trying his best not to puke while chasing after Y/n because of her shaking him* Wait for me! Or you'll get lost!

Captain Feugoleon: Just don't break anything. And make sure you get your early rest. Y/n you must be tired.

Y/n: Yes captain! But after I take a look around! Thank you!

Vice Captain Randall: Just don't go in my room.

Y/n: Leo! Let's go to the Vice Captain's room!

Leo: Oh! I haven't thought of that despite living here the entire time!!

Vice Captain Randall: I said to not—

Y/n: After we take a look at the back of the base we'll go to his room Leo!

Y/n in Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now