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"Actually, yes captain. Something happened." Answered Y/n. Captain Feugoleon fixes himself and starts to give the two his full attention, ready to listen to what they have to say. "Carry on," he said.

"When we arrived at the Borge Village, we noticed that it was oddly quiet, so we instigated to investigate and to search further." Y/n started to explain.

"After our searching we finally saw all of the people being gathered in the middle of the village in a spacious space." Leo added.

"Not only that captain, we also met the members of the Silver Eagles, they said that they were ordered to come to the Borge Village because someone requested help there." Said Y/n.

"We then attacked the bandits and successfully bound them, but the only problem was that they took their own lives, refusing to tell us their goal and the name of their leader." Said Leo.

"Then we proceed to the other village after we are done at Borge because the team's leaders were after the Saussy Village." Said Y/n.

"We saw three of the members from the Black Bulls, Noelle was also there, brother."

"Then we combine forces and fortunately succeed. There were no casualties aside from the enemies because they too took their own lives. Their leader, Heath Grice took his own life together with his subordinates. Afterwards, the leader of the village said that he must have been after the stone that he took it as a lucky charm. Right now, the stone was protected by the Black Bulls."

"Then we got home and brought with us some meat, the Black Bulls and the Silver Eagles also had two sets of them. That is all brother." Leo finished the report.

"I see, so your first mission was unexpected. Please excuse my lack of knowledge for the day." Captain Feugoleon said to his two juniors. "No, don't worry captain, it was unexpected. Since, they ask for help from the Silver Eagles when we were on our way to Borge Village." Y/n assured her captain.

"Y/n's right brother, no worries at all. We should focus on who was in command of them because of how they were so steadfast in their devotion to whoever was leading them..." Leo exclaimed with furrowed brows.

"You both are correct. Now since this unexpected event happened and especially to your first mission Y/n, I want you two to patrol the entire city and bring with you other members. I will report this to the Wizard King, due to them taking their lives refusing to give in.", Captain Feugoleon said.

"Yes Captain!" Leo and Y/n said and saluted in sync.

"So then brother, can we get our dinner now?"

"Yes! Yes captain! were so hungry!"

"Haha, that seems unavoidable. Ok now let's go to the dining room and feed your stomachs."

"Yey!!" Leo and Y/n high fived with sparkling eyes. Their captain was chuckling at their child-like behavior.

The three of them were walking towards the dining room. Y/n and Leo were side by side just chatting with each other and Captain Feugoleon was at their backs following them.

"Hey Y/n, try answering this question okay? It's a riddle. *winks*", Leo winks at Y/n while getting ready for his question. "Okay, ready when you are." Y/n stated.

Leo: You were dreaming. Then in it, you saw three doors. You need to get out of the trap, because you were trapped okay?

Y/n: Okay..? Like, obviously..?

Leo: Right *chuckles*, now. You need to pick one of the doors to escape.

Y/n in Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now