Authors Note

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Thank you so much for reading my book. I promise I'll come back with some more chapters this month! Right now, I am currently tight on schedule since it's time we go back to school tomorrow so, ugh yeah. I can probably post one or two chapters this week, I'm trying my best to survive from school since it's a hectic and tiring place to be in, especially the workloads they give us... But next week will be the last week I'll go there and then it will be our break.

Anyways, if I can survive for three days starting tomorrow then I can go back to focusing on my book! Yey! I'll be right back with more exciting, fun, and thrilling stories with Y/n ya'll! I wish you the best out there and stay healthy!

Go share this book with your friends, leave votes on each chapter and comment what you think!

With love,


Y/n in Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now