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"Y/n! How about when we finish eating our breakfast, we'll go to do the mission?" Leo asked Y/n while they were eating their breakfast in the dining room together with some of their seniors.

"Oh sure! We could bring with us some snacks too! I'll ask Chef Banrey for some bagels, hehe." Y/n grinned.

"*sighs*You really like eating so much huh? I'm surprised you aren't fat. How'd you manage to maintain such a fit body?" Leo asked her.

"Don't call a lady fat you hear me?" Y/n glared at Leo while holding a sandwich.

"I-I did not call you fat! Your body is perfect! It fits perfectly in your outfit so no worries at all! Hehe *sweatdropped* " Leo claimed.

"Oh is it? I like my outfit too, you know. *chuckles*"

"You have such great mood swings Y/n, I give you credit for that."

After the two Crimson Lion members ate their breakfast, they waved goodbye to their seniors and began to walk outside of the base. They found themselves brooms and they began to cast magic on it as it enabled the both of them to float. "So Borge Village, right? That village is close to Saussy Village."

Y/n exclaimed while they were now flying to the village. "How did you know that?" Leo asked. "Well, I have been to Saussy Village and they told me that they have a neighborhood in their place and that is the Borge Village."

The girl said as she brushed her hair to the back of her right ear to uncover her right eye. "You seem to know the people pretty well." Leo said with his usual cheery tone. "Yes! I have constantly been playing cards with the head in Saussy Village. But even though we have been playing from time to time now, I still did not know his name." Y/n sighs.

"Seriously? How could you not know his name?" asked Leopold out of curiosity. "Well he doesn't want to tell me because he said that if he tells me his name, I could tell the other people who do not know his tricks." The boy wore a confused face, "You can just ask the people around since he is the leader." he finally claimed. "Nah, that old guy will probably hit that person's face. Some of them know me because I've been helping them kill wild boars from the forest near their village."

"Huh? Boars? Killing boars?" Leopold's confusion wasn't subsiding.

"That's just one of my many hobbies back when I was still not a magic knight." Y/n, as if knowing what was going on in her squad mate's mind, answered him.

"Wow you are so different. I never met a girl like you before. You're crazy sometimes and unpredictable."

"Uhh...Thanks? I'll take that as a compliment, hahaha!!"

They both laughed and enjoyed each other's company as they continued to converse with each other, sharing stories with one another. Then they eventually arrived at Borge Village. When they notice that something is wrong.

"Is this village normally so quiet Y/n?"

"No. This place is normal like the other villages."

"But it's awfully quiet. I thought big brother told us to help the people in here."

"I don't know. Maybe there's something wrong here. Stay on guard Leo."


The both of them are walking slowly inside the village. Then Leo thought of an idea. "Hey Y/n, why don't we make a plan?"

"You're right Leo, you're actually thinking, congratulations."

"Hey! You are such a bully Y/n—"

"Shush! You hear that?"

Y/n in Black CloverWhere stories live. Discover now