Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day at school, we have Mr. Sanders again, and he seems normal. I'm grateful for his normality as I can finally just enjoy the class.

History is my favorite subject and I'm glad I can finally pay attention to it and learn from it.

After my final class, I walk out into the hall and wander over to Xander's locker to walk out with him and Carlo to their car. Xander is already standing at his open locker when I approach so I just wait beside it. My eye catches a flyer on the locker beside his for a charity. It's a charity raising money for children to gain access to expensive extracurriculars.

"Oh, can we donate?" I ask.

Xander looks over at the flyer, reading it scrutinizingly, "No, we don't even know where the money is actually going."

"But we can spare it, can't we?" I plead.

He huffs, "Alright. You donate in the front office, come right back," he holds a $20 in my direction.

"Can you come with me?" I say.

"Maddie-" He begins in frustration. He gives me a side glare before huffing again in defeat, "Ok, whatever."

I follow him to the front and he walks over to a table with a girl with her hair pulled back. I've seen her in the lunch room so she's probably in one of Xander's classes. She looks up at us with a friendly smile, "Hey, here to donate?"

There's silence. I have a problem when it comes to speaking to strangers. I'm intimidated easily and I also have really bad anxiety. It's a real issue.

"Yes," Xander says finally. Stepping aside and leaving me in the open. I didn't even realize I subconsciously hid behind him. I drop the money into the jar, returning the girl's friendly smile nervously. Xander doesn't even spare her another glance.

We walk out. The way I'm lighting up inside is a new feeling. It feels good to be able to donate to people who don't have much when for so long I lived in a place where I didn't have as much as I do now.

"I'm pretty sure I fucked her before."

I look over at Xander instantly, "What?! Ew!"

He rolls his eyes as he climbs into the front seat. Carlo climbs into the passenger seat a few minutes later and once I'm buckled in, we pull off. "Elijah asked if we could stop by the market to grab a few things for dinner," Carlo says, looking at his phone.

Xander groans, "Oh my fucking-"

"Language," Carlo says, "This fucking phone," He mutters, looking at the cracked screen.

I roll my eyes.

"Tell Elijah we're not doing that," Xander says sharply.

"Yeah, I'm not trying to die," Carlo rolls his eyes, "Just take this exit."

I laugh a little at that. Carlo turns to look at me, "What're you laughing at?" He says suspiciously.

"Nothing, just the thought of Elijah being angry enough to kill someone," I say quietly. I still haven't really gained myself enough to be loud like that with them.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" Carlo says grinning slightly as if he knows something I don't.

"It's kind of like you and Xander," I say thoughtfully.

Carlo narrows his eyes again, and even Xander glances at me through the rearview mirror interestedly, "What's that supposed to mean?" Carlo says.

I smile a little, "Like, golden retriever, black cat dynamic," I say, "You know, like the tiktok?"

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