Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day, as Emilio promised, I stay home from school. Even though the headache has dissipated, I still don't feel well considering my breakdown yesterday night, but it seems as though now that the truth is out, it doesn't really feel as freeing as before. I feel anxious, but from years of experience, I successfully push that feeling down, and force myself to fee as though I'm lighter than before because in some aspects I am.

Carlo and Xander leave the house at 7:30, and after breakfast, I spend pretty much most of my time just binging my watchlist on Netflix.

All my brothers have business to tend to, and even though Elijah or Emilio (I don't remember, I haven't seen either of them) are upstairs, they've been busy all morning and said they'll be downstairs around lunchtime to make me something to eat. I like that they'd stop what they're doing just to make me something to eat when I'm perfectly capable of just getting a bowl of cereal.

Elijah texted at around 9 to ask what I wanted for lunch so I'm looking forward to a nice warm bag of Wendy's. It feel sort of nice to have regained a kind of steady appetite for the first time since I can remember. I have bad times of course, but overall, I find myself eating a lot better than I did when I first arrived here.

At noon, Emilio comes downstairs, sliding on a denim jacket, "Ready to go?" He asks.

I nod, I was ready to go half an hour ago. We get in the car and take a drive to Wendy's.

Emilio is my only sibling with mom's eyes. A striking hazel color, sharp and mesmerizing. I've always loved my mother's eyes, she was a beautiful woman, I loved looking at her old pictures. I don't know who she was before Daniel, but in the pictures she always wore diamonds and beautiful jewelry. She had blonde hair and despite how much she drank and how much pure hatred she had for me, she was never a mess.

I can see the way Emilio, Carlo, and Elijah specifically got her genes with Emilio's eyes and Elijah's and Carlo's blonde hair.

"What do you want, Mads?" Emilio asks, looking at me in the back over.

"A chicken sandwich and fries," I say.

"What kind of soda?" He asks.

"Sprite," I decide.

Once we pull out of the driveway, and back onto the road, Emilio takes a sip from his own drink.

"What do you want to do now?" He asks.

"I thought you were busy?" I say, biting my chicken sandwich.

"I took work off for the rest of the day, Elijah's gonna finish for me later. We can stop by the mall if you want?" He asks.

As stereotypical as it sounds, and as basic as I try not to be, I love shopping. It makes me happy.

"Okay!" I say, lighting up slightly.

We spend the rest of the day at the mall, and I have a good time. It feels good to be able to shop, but shopping with family is fun. It's so weird to have a family and do things with them. I'm not used to it, and I don't think it's something I'll ever be used to.

When we get to the house, I hear a female voice from inside as we walk into the house, Elijah is walking up at the same time as us.

"Who's inside?" He asks.

Once we walk in, I see Xander on the couch, Emma curled in beside him. I frown, not her again.

Xander looks over his shoulder at us and looks back at the TV. "Hi, Mr. Rossi," Emma says with a bright smile.

"Hello, Emma," Emilio says with a warm smile. He turns to Xander, "Xander, what part of no guest as the house don't you understand?"

"You said until further notice," Xander says, giving Emilio half his attention.

"Oh, my mistake. I'm to believe you received that notice then," Elijah says, finally gaining Xander's attention.


"I'm sorry, Emma. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Elijah says.

"Mr. Rossi, I won't be in your way at all-"

"You'll see Xander at school tomorrow considering he makes it to that point," Elijah says, not hearing Emma's protests at all.

A scowl takes over her face, and I get jealous at how beautiful she still is even with her face twisted into a scowl. She glares at me discreetly, grabbing her bookbag and walking out the house angrily.

What a bitch.

. . .

hi loves!

i know this chapter was kind of short, and a bit like a filler chapter, I'm just looking to show what a normal day would look like and show what goes on in Maddie's head as far as her brother's and other things that wouldn't come up in conversation otherwise like her mother's eye color or that she prefers the chicken sandwich over a regular burger haha

see you next chapter, lots of love <3

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