Bonus 1

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I step excitedly off the private jet, the Massachusetts breeze hits like a blessing after being in there for so long. I've been looking forward to this trip since Jess signed us up for it back in Seattle. Elijah steps off the plane right behind me, carrying my pink tote bag over his shoulder. It's an odd sight and I laugh slightly.

"Something funny?" He challenges, but a grin pulls at the corners of his mouth.

Before I can answer, I'm practically choked as someone hugs me from behind.

"Maddie!" Comes Jess's excited voice. I turn around quickly, reciprocating the hug tightly and we rock back and forth like this for a while until Chase strolls out of the airport with a convenience store bag swinging and his arms out expectantly for a hug.

I hug him just as tightly, he's definitely gotten taller.

"I missed you guys so much!" I say.

"Hi, Mr. Rossi!" Jess smiles sweetly.

"Hey, Jessica, Chase," Elijah says.

When he turns away, Jess makes a huge show of batting her eyelashes and pretend fainting into my arms. "You need a boyfriend, Jess," I tease.

"What sane boy would willingly hang out with her? She's more controlling than my mom."

Jess rolls her eyes and laces one arm with mine and the other in Chase's as we follow Elijah through the airport and out the street. "Our parents dropped us off at the airport this morning and asked your brother to take us as his charges once our plane landed," Jess explains.

A familiar black car is there and I recognize Gerald, our personal driver in the drivers' seat. Elijah must have had him come to Boston beforehand. Gerald opens the back door, allowing Jess, Chase, and I to slide in as Elijah talks importantly on the phone. Gerald shuts the back door before opening the passenger seat door for Elijah to get in.

Elijah wraps up his call as Gerald is climbing into the driver seat and we pull off toward Harvard.

"You guys are so rich!" Jess says in awe, "I wish my parents would hire a personal driver. My dad said there are 'more important ways to spend money'."

"Than being driven anywhere you want?" Chase says, "My mom would never even touch a steering wheel."

"Is she still running for re-election?" I ask. Chase's mom was the City Representative, Economic Director and Events Director. More recently though, she's running for mayoral re-election, as a result, every time I've seen Chase over the phone, his hair is freshly cut and it seems his mom has thrown out every shirt but the collared ones.

Even now he wore a white polo and tan khaki trousers with white canvas sneakers.

"Yeah," Chase huffs, "She make me dress like I'm going to the country club every day. I'm starting to appreciate the school uniform, I can't take much more of this. She's even harassing Sebastian! You know she assigned him a personal attendant? She says it's to help him succeed in his career, but we've come to realize he's such a snitch! Sebastian wore a sweatshirt once, and that night, mom called and said she'd hang him by the strings of his sweats."

Jess giggles at Chase's dismay and I can't help but laugh a little as well as the car pulls into the parking lot outside of what I assume is Harvard's main building.

Jess clasps mine and Chase's hands tightly once we're out of the car, "I can't believe we're actually here!"

We didn't end up wearing the matching Harvard shirts, having agreed they were a tad dorkier than we'd imagined. Instead, Jess is wearing a corset blouse and a pleated tennis skirt, for shoes she wears a pair of simple white 270s. I'm wearing a simple white turtleneck paired with a black cropped blazer and high waisted skirt set. I didn't know what else to wear and the moment I showed Jess my closet over facetime, she wouldn't let me wear anything else.

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