Chapter 4

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Hayden was sleeping soundly in his hospital bed in the medically induced coma that administered during his last round of surgery. Unfortunately, due to the injuries sustained, the doctors weren't able to save the leg and had to amputate it just below the knee. Once the team and Haddocks had been informed, Valerie had broken down over her poor son while Stephen hadn't said anything, he had just stood still like he was frozen. Gobber, who hadn't been with them for the initial introduction to the team had gone to his godson's side and hadn't left it for a second.

Hayden's team had to explain to Mia what that meant and assured her several times over that it wasn't her fault. In Mia's little mind, if it hadn't been for them rescuing her, her daddy would still have both his legs. She was already beating herself up over the fate of the base personnel as well as her uncles and now her dad too. Stephen and Valerie didn't know what the girl or the soldiers were referencing but it seemed to have something to do with their current situation. It wasn't their place to pry and their son would either tell them or he wouldn't when he woke up.

In addition to recent news on Hayden's condition, the Haddock's had been introduced to Jack's girlfriend Elsa and Chris's girlfriend/Elsa's sister Anna. They had flown out separately once they had gotten the news of the condition of the team. Having since joined them, the girls had spent no time at all trying to lift their spirits while the Snow's had helped to look after Hayden's daughter. As part of lifting their spirits, the girls had attempted, albeit with little success, to try and help the Haddock's connect with the team and start to make amends for their actions.

Anna had spent considerable time with Chris who was feeling extremely down due to his own condition. Having had a second surgery with a third scheduled, his arm was starting to get better. It would take another surgery and a boat load of physical therapy but he would eventually get full use again. This had somewhat helped to lift his spirits but with Anna's help and the teams backing, he was determined to succeed. It helped that the whole team had been given physical therapy to do in order to get back into full fighting shape if you will. This had concerned both parents who thought their children were going to get better and go back to the army. However, these thoughts were quelled when Victor told them that the team had already planned to leave after the completion of their last tour due to Mia.

This created more questions than it answered. How did Mia factor into it? Why did it all revolve around Mia? Why did he blame herself for their condition? Those were a few of the many questions in both the parents but more importantly the Haddock's minds. Stephen and Valerie had spent their time researching their son, trying to find out as much as they could while Gobber simply sat silently and waited for the man to wake up. Gobber knew all of this already, he didn't know about Mia but knew the rest of the important bits.

As the days past, Hayden remained in the coma he was placed in while time passed outside. Gobber had eventually had to leave his side but did so reluctantly. The Haddock's had learned more about their son and had somewhat bonded with the team, learning their backstories and listening to some of their war stories. They also spent time sitting by their sons side, hoping he would wake up every day. But he didn't. He continued to sleep soundly. The passage of time had simply allowed more questions to be raised in the minds of the Haddock's. Where is Derick's family? What happened to cause all this? What happened between Hayden and Astrid? Where was she? Did she know about his injuries?

One day, they managed to get some answers, albeit not as many as they were hoping for. The entire group bar Gobber and Victor, who were sat by Hayden's side, were outside the hospital in its garden. They were seated on benches or on the ground in a rather large circle. The topic of conversation was, as it always was, on the past. Mia was sat on Jack's lap who was no longer in a wheelchair. After his MRI and tests, Jack was shown to have no memory issues or brain injuries. Which needless to say, was a relief to both his parents and girlfriend. The Haddocks decided that with the relationship with the team getting better, they decided to try get some answers.

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