Chapter 19

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The conversation ended soon after as the group dissipated to catch up with other students. Hayden was glad that so far, not many people had tried to brag to him or even engage him in conversation. As he wasn't here to brag or talk about the last 10 years, he was thankful that this was the case. To be honest, the only reason he turned up was because of Astrid. Hayden was glad she had said yes to accompanying him, otherwise it would have been very awkward when he didn't show. Still, Jack would have gone either way which probably would have forced Hayden to attend the reunion.

However, in all seriousness, Hayden was enjoying himself, the food was good, the company was also good, and Astrid was dressed beautifully. His peripheral vision had allowed him to see every wondering eye of ever man at the event, those with partners and those not. To be honest, he could see why, the dress hung to her curves in the most majestic way, the slit on her leg exposed just enough that it was classy but sexy at the same time. Hayden couldn't deny how beautiful she looked tonight or how she looked in general. He had always loved her and probably always would, that being said, was he ready to open up to her again? Was he ready to try again? He wasn't sure, but either way he wasn't going to just leave it alone.

As the night was continuing, the groups of people started to dissipate and leave the hall to head back to their respective lives. Hayden was stuck in thought; he didn't want the night to end. Astrid and himself had been talking a lot tonight, getting to know each other again. It was reminding him of the old times, when they used to date and were happy. Back before he joined the army and things changed. Despite all this, the things he had been through, the things he had seen, the injuries he had sustained, he wouldn't change a thing. His life had led him to where he was now, every choice, every event, every bad day and every good day. All had led him to this night, to this moment with his thoughts stuck on Astrid.

Hayden and Astrid left the party together as the evening truly wound down. The pair decided to leave Jack behind as he was busy at the buffet eating all he could. Having said goodbye, Astrid and Hayden walked through the school, arm in arm back to the man's car. Astrid had felt both sexy and uncomfortable with all the eyes that had been on her from both single and married men. It was nice to know that people found her sexy and beautiful which she didn't doubt but had been less confident with since Erick's betrayal. Being cheated on had slashed her confidence which served to make her feel even worse for Hayden due to what she did unknowingly.

Hayden. He was something else completely. Despite what she did, he hadn't failed to try make her see that it wasn't her fault. Since he had found about her injury, he hadn't failed to try make her realise and believe that her cheating wasn't a purposeful act. Every time he did this, Astrid's heart had fluttered which served to confuse her. She wasn't sure whether she felt the way she did because of what they had and what she was remembering, or because that's how she actually felt. Astrid was half in mind to ask Hayden out, but on the other hand, didn't completely believe in her own feelings. She resided herself to waiting until she was sure of her feelings, after all, she didn't have it in her heart to hurt him anymore than she already had.

Once they were both sat in the car, just before Hayden started the car, Hayden asked Astrid an important question, "before I take you home, do you mind if we pick Mia up from my parents' house?" Astrid thought for a few moments, she liked Mia so why not pick her up. It might be a chance to get to see his house that Theo had boasted about. "Absolutely" she agreed, "but only if I get to see your house." Hayden smiled, seeing what her game was, "oh but of course madam" he joked. Astrid giggled at his joke while watching him start the car and begin to drive towards the Haddock manor.

The drive to the Haddock manor took less time than Astrid expected taking only 20 minutes. Hayden had taken multiple back routes to get to the manor quickly which surprised Astrid. The back routes he took were unfamiliar to Astrid, having lived here for over 18 years, she thought she knew every road and every way to the Haddock's manor. However, thanks to Hayden she now knew several more backstreets that would get her to places in Berkley quicker than she thought possible. Astrid was sat in her seat as she waited to arrive at the Haddock Manor, her mind fixed on Hayden and what might happen tonight. She hadn't believed he would actually say yes to her coming over, so it had socked her when he had said yes. What they were going to do at his home was unclear, although she had a few ideas in mind.

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