Chapter 5

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The hospital room was filled with the sound of the machines continuing in their efforts to keep the soldier alive. Hayden continued to sleep through his coma, unaware of the passage of time around him. Nearly a month had passed since he was first brought into the military hospital. He had been through 3 surgeries, died 11 times, suffered the amputation of a leg and would be waking up to his parents that disowned him. Hayden was in no way near out of the woods. He still had a long road to recovery once he woke up from the coma he was put in.

While Hayden slept, his team had been healing and recovering from their own injuries. Jack and Flynn were almost ready to be discharged which was a relief to Jack's parents. Flynn was happy at the prospect of being released from hospital, however, he was adamant about staying near until the others were also discharged. Dagur had responded well to the treatment and was starting physical therapy. The staff were still confident he would walk again and from the man's determination and drive, there was no doubt he would.

Chris was getting better by the day. His arm was healing and due to his own physical therapy, he had some use of his arm back. It was still painful, but it wasn't unbearable like it had been. Toothless had since been released from the vets and was brought to the hospital where he had reunited with the team and Mia. The dog's presence was a god send. He had cheered up Mia to no end and she was always staying close to the fluffy combat animal. During the night, Toothless slept on the foot of Hayden's bed, waiting patiently for his master to awaken. The Haddocks and Gobber were spending more and more time by the side of their young son.

The parents and godfather were waiting patiently for their still young child to wake up. Despite having disowned him, they were trying to make up for all the lost time that they could. They had been spending time with the soldiers, listening to their war stories with Gobber sharing a few of his own. They spent time with Mia, drawing with her, taking Toothless a walk, playing with her and typically doing all the things grandparents should do with a child. It had taken time, but the soldiers were slowly coming around to accepting them into the small band that was their family. Ultimately though, the soldiers had decided that whether they included them or not would be Hayden's decision.

Almost exactly a month after Hayden was first brought in, he started to show signs of waking up. It was little things at first. His hand reacting to presence, like wrapping around Mia's hand when she held it, his remaining leg slowly moving to brush against Toothless, his eyes reacting to the light and probably the most important, his mouth moving slightly as if trying to say something. Mia was the first to experience this. She had been sat in a chair next to him while holding his hand. A nurse had been in the room checking on things while the little girl had started shaking Hayden while saying "Daddy?"

The nurse at first tried to stop her but when her eyes saw that Hayden's hand was wrapped around hers, she immediately ran to get a doctor. The commotion had caused the soldiers and the Haddock's attention to shift to the room. The doctor examined the patient and had determined that he was coming out of his coma and would soon regain consciousness. This news had caused a huge sigh of relief to emit from everyone in the room. Hayden would be ok. He would still have a long road to recovery, but he would get there eventually.

This news was accompanied by the arrival of someone that the Haddocks least expected. A few days after the news, Victor returned to the hospital, followed by secret service, the president, and his family. The group went to the recreation room where the Night Furies bolted to attention. The president stood them down and proceeded to sit with them. He spent a few minutes talking with them before getting up to go see Hayden. The president's wife and child continued sitting with the team, chatting with them about everything not related to the events that put them there.

The president was escorted to Hayden's room where he entered to find the Haddocks, Gobber and Mia sitting by Hayden's side. He cleared his throat, getting their attention. "Mr President, what are you doing here?" Valerie asked. The president walked in and stood to the side of Hayden's bed. He reached out and stroked Toothless who licked his hand in return. "Hayden is a good friend; I came as soon as it was appropriate." The Haddocks had been told that their son was friends with the president, but they didn't actually believe it. Yet here the man was, the most powerful man in America.

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