Chapter 26

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AN: I'm sorry for how long it has taken to get this final part up. I wanted to wrap the story up as well as do the ending justice. I have also started writing a new fanfiction but for Mass Effect which is one of my favourite games. It is taking time but I am hoping to get the first 2 chapters up soon. Anyway, here is the final chapter of this book, enjoy!

Hayden woke first that morning, or so he thought. He could hear Mia moving about outside his room, presumably trying to quietly make her way downstairs. It briefly registered in his unweakened mind that it was December 25th, Christmas Day. So much had happened over recent years that it felt like a blur for him. Certain events were well placed in his mind that they felt like they had happened only the day prior. He lay in bed thinking and contemplating on just how lucky he had become. Of course, he had never needed luck to get through life, but he had certainly come to appreciate it in the last 3 years.

As Hayden lay contemplating things, a body stirred next to him, awoken by Mia's noise outside the room. A head of blond hair sighed and groaned. Hayden rolled over and wrapped an arm around the woman lying beside him. "Morning" Hayden greeted as softly as his morning voice would let him. Another sigh emanated from the woman before she actually replied. "Good morning honey" she replied as she snuggled into Hayden's embrace. The pair laid cuddled in each other's embrace as they let the morning sun rise and poke through the blinds of the bedroom window.

Hayden ran his hand up and down the woman's side, placing gentle kisses on her neck, trying to gently wake her further as he became aware that Mia would be wanting to open presents. "Astrid" Hayden whispered, "we need to get up. Mia wants to open her presents. You know how impatient she is at Christmas." The blond woman simply sighed and uttered a single response, "five more minutes." Hayden scoffed a laugh as he rolled over and flung his leg over the edge of his bed. He reached down, picking up his robotic replacement and attached it to the stump. The leg turned a full circle, locking into place. Carefully, he stood up and grabbed a shirt from the floor.

Pulling it over his head, he made his way silently to the door, opening it just enough so that he could fit through. No in the hall, he came face to face with Mia who stood tapping her foot on the floor. "Took you long enough" she commented sarcastically. Hayden smiled, "good morning to you too kiddo." Mia groaned, "when are you going to stop calling me that? I'm 16 now." Hayden laughed as he started towards the stairs giving a reply nonchalantly, "never." The pair walked downstairs, finding Toothless asleep on his chair in the living room. The dog's head perked up at the sound of movement, his tail starting to wag when he noticed Hayden and Mia.

Said teenage suddenly realised there was someone missing and commented, "where's mum?" Hayden gave her a look that just said, you know exactly where she is. Mia pinched the top of her nose, "mum and her lie ins. How can she do it on a day like this?" Hayden laughed and simply went to the kitchen to sort out coffee for both him and his wife. Mia meanwhile was stalking around the tree, looking at all the presents and trying to figure out which ones were for her. Toothless was still lying down on his chair watching her and his master. He never really understood the importance of this day, but he loved it all the same because it meant he got loads of treats and new toys.

After a few minutes, a very sleepy looking Astrid stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her hair was a mess with blond strands sticking out in almost all directions. "Coffee?" Hayden asked as he handed her a cup. Astrid took it and almost downed the whole cup in one gulp. "Morning mum" came Mia's shout from the living room. Astrid looked in her direction and greeted her in a sleepy voice. Hayden smiled and made his way towards the large sofa in the living room. Before the sofa, in the large bay window, sat a huge Christmas tree with loads of presents underneath. Hayden sat down followed shortly by Astrid followed by Toothless who got up off his chair and plodded his way over to lie by Hayden's feet.

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