Lost but will be found

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John B's pov:

Living in an fish shack on the marsh or the Château, as my dad used to calls it, by yourself without any parents has its perks and it's downsides. First perk I can do whatever I want but then a downside I got DCS on my back at all times for not having a legal guardian. The reason for being so neglected is well my dad disappeared at sea nine months ago for a shipwreck. Who disappears at sea these days?

I miss him.

And then there's mom. She split when I was three. Last I heard, she was in Colorado. I think it was Colorado.

Then there's Uncle T!

Since dad vanished, his supposed to be my legal guardian. At the moment, he's in Mississippi, building houses...

"Hey" I say to the sleepy Pope on the porch.

"Oy" Pope responds sleepily eyes barley able to open them.

...which means it's just me right now, on my own, hangin' out with my friends. Three months after my dad was missing, he was officially presumed dead. I refused to sign the papers. Until I see a body, I'm not giving up.

"John, it's come to our attention that you are an unemancipated minor living on your own" my social worker sighs.

I scoff "no...no".


She stares at me as if she researching my features looking for the lies hidden behind my eyes. "I need honestly to help you". "That's what we want, right?"

"Yeah" I stare into her eyes with the same amount of curiosity "I'm being honest".

She looks up knowing I'm lying "okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your uncle?"

I'm screwed

"Uh... 34 minutes ago." I say trying to sound stern and truthful.

She keeps the eye contact as if it were a resolution to her concern "when's the last time you saw him?"

Think fast, think fast "two hours and..." quicker "43 minutes ago".

Again she sees through my obvious lie "John, we're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle".

Looking deeply into my eyes I can sense a threat coming up "if he's not there, we're gonna move forward with foster care." As a attempt to comfort me she says "I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home."

They actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that.

And that's where this story starts.

My dad missing, my uncle MIA, and the Bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care.


The morning after the bitch of hurricane Agatha hit was a nightmare "no service" I whisper to myself. "No power. Great"

Seeing the blonde laying on my couch I ask "yo, JJ, you been outside?"

"I have a polio, bro. I can't walk" he yawns.

"Oh, man" I start to yawn myself.

Looking outside with ruined parts of house and whatever the hell washed up on the front yard lies in front of me. "That's no good."

"Oh, man" I say as realisation truly hits on me, I got a lot of cleaning up to do.

I feel a hand on my shoulder as JJ taps it "Agatha did some work, huh?" He laughs.

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