Failed Attempt

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A/n: sorry about how long this chapter is guys.

After staying with Rafe for literally 10 minutes he leaves. Leaving me alone in my room until I get a text message from John B.

John B

Non-romantic after sunset surf with the boys and Kie. No third wheeling will be happening!

I see Kie told about my thoughts on your hangout

Yes and now you can tell us all about your thoughts on our group hangout

You coming?

Of course

Running around my room I find a triangle cut bikini set and grab my surf board from downstairs right when I see the Pogues show up.

"Hello m'lady ready for great surfing non-romantic hangout?" JJ asks

"I Kie told everyone what I thought about our little chat" I laugh

"Word gets around fast" Kie adds

Looking around at the group as John b starts the boat heading back to the château I notice Pope looking down more than usual. When I get a closer look towards him I notice on the right side of his forehead is a golf ball size scrape like he got hit by something. When he notices me looking right at the injury he turns the other way hiding it. "How'd you get that scrape on your forehead Pope?" I ask out of curiosity

He stutters "uh.. I got uh hit on my head by the door when I was delivering groceries for my dad with JJ."

I give a side eye to JJ obviously knowing how bad of a liar Pope is but JJ pretends he doesn't see my glare by looking out to the horizon. Why are they both acting so weird?


After a few good hours of surfing we watch the sunset and head back to the château. Kie and JJ share the hammock together whilst John b, Pope and I grabbed three chairs to sit on. As the sky darkened we all sat in silence, all looking into empty spaces stuck in our own thoughts. Until Pope breaks the silence "you really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit?"

"My father thought it was" John b responds.

"But do you?" Pope questions

Thinking for a moment John b sighs "after hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do"

"Only one way to find out" I say

Entering the conversation Kie says "look, we're gonna find it, you know? Even JJ believes"

In a high pitched voice John b responds "oh, my god, JJ, do you really believe?"

"Totally. Wait. Are we talking about 4 mill?" JJ asks

Kie and Pope respond at the same time "400 mil"

"Jinx" Kie whispers

Trying to get comfy on the hammock JJ says "I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks." Making Kie chuckle. "Good night, Bird!" He shouts out.

Psycho - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now