Diver Down

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Cassie's pov:

The next day...

The Pogues and I didn't talk after the little JJ incident all night last night. They must be real pissed of about the whole me bringing Rafe thing even though Kie was the only one to express her annoyance.

Walking to the Château always feels like a whole challenge when hungover, that's why I usually sleep over guess I was clearly not invited last night. When I finally made it I walked around to the porch to see the Pogues sitting down discussing something. Once they all saw me they immediately stopped to their conversation and just stared me down with an awkward silence.

"Hey" I say in close to whisper not knowing how any of them are gonna react.

"Hey, Cass" Pope smiles, atleast he makes a effort.

"So what the hell happened last night?" I ask looking between John B and JJ. "Where did you get the gun from JJ?"

JJ softens his look towards me before replying, "John B found a motel key in the sunken Grady-White that we found out belonged to Scooter. So we all went to the motel and found a safe when we opened it I found a gun, then your dad and his lady officer friend came and took money out from the safe."

I furrow my brows looking around the group as I try wrap my head around the fact my dad stole money from a missing man's motel. "Jesus Christ!" I sit down on the couch next to Kie with my head in my hands really trying to process the news.

"Did you find anything else?" I ask looking up.

"No" John B starts. "But I talked to Peterkin this morning and she told me to stay out of the marsh, there's gonna be a search for Scooters disappearance. So since no one else knows about the boat we found, we decided that we might as well take some diving gear and explore it."

"Ok" I say. "I'm coming then I'll be able to get the Cameron's diving gear, they let me go on their boat at anytime so I can make up an excuse if anyone catches me" I suggest.

"No, It will make more sense for me to get the gear from them since I work for Ward, I'll tell him I have to refill the tanks then give them back when we're done" John B tells me.

"Yeah no offence Cassie but I like that plan better" JJ points out.

"Then it's settled I'll take a trip to the Cameron's then come right back and pick you guys up." John B announces.

Kie smiles "sounds like a plan."

Pope looks around with his signature worried looked plastered on his face "are you sure this plan will %100 work."

"Personally, I think it's John B's best plan yet so %1000 yes" I smile at him.

"Then let's do this" John B smirks.


After John B collects the Cameron's diving gear we set off the wreck and prepare a game plan.

"This is empty. You took empty tanks? I...." I try not to sound mad a John B's stupidity.

"Okay, this one's a quarter full" Kiara tells the group. "It's only enough for one of us."

"Love it when a plan comes together" JJ claps sarcastically.

"Does anybody know how to dive?" I ask.

"Uh..." JJ looks around awkwardly.

I shake my head "anybody?"

"It's kind of a Kook sport" JJ looks at Kiara.

"Ha ha, I see what you did there, JJ but no I don't dive" Kiara states.

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