Alone But Not Lonely

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Cassie's pov:

Walking through the cut with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes before finally texting Kie.

Kie ❤️

Hey are you home right now?

Yes why?

I just need you right now it's urgent.

Yeah come over tell me when you're here.

Ok thank you.

Anytime, I'm here for you.

Looking at the text I slightly smile as make my way across the island. When I make it in front of Kie's door I ring the doorbell waiting for her to come downstairs. When the door opens I'm welcomed with a smile from Kiara's dad.

"Hey, Mr Carrera I was just here to talk to Kiara" I smile.

"She's in her room" he smiles back. Unlike the other Pogues Kiara's parents like me, mostly because of my mom but they only ever act nice when I'm around.

"Thank you" I walk past him and head straight upstairs, I open Kiara's bedroom door and whisper. "You were right" I sob, "I should of never dated him, I'm sorry for not listening." I sit next to her on the bed and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's okay. It's okay. He didn't deserve you. Trust me you'll look back see that Rafe was never good for you." She says cupping my face and staring into my teary eyes. We hug for another 10 minutes before I tell her the full story on what happened at Barry's.

"Honestly I don't want to just sit here and cry about this stupid shit" I say laughing. "I heard Sarah talk about a party a few days ago how about we crash it?" I smirk wanting two things, one to get my mind off things with Rafe and two to just have fun again.

"I can't, my parents won't let me out of this goddam room so I'm screwed if I sneak out. I'll let you borrow one of my dresses if you want" she sympathetically smiles.

My smirk drops slightly not wanting Kie to fully see my disappointment, "no, it's fine I think I left one here anyway."

"Ok, feel free to look for it. I haven't changed anything in my room so it's probably where you left it" she tells me.

Opening her wardrobe my eyes wander around to look for my dress, after looking for about five minutes I spot it and grab it. Looking in the full body length mirror in-front of me I press the dress onto my body. Staring at it I can't help but smile looking at my revenge dress. Throughout the dresses front it showed some risky cuts that I would've never been allowed to wear if I was still dating Rafe. He would always ask for pictures of what I was wearing to parties to see if he would approve, not that I would listen to his advice anyways.

The dress:

The dress:

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