Search and Rescue

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John B's pov:

"So you guys all saw that right" Pope asks genuinely in a state of shock.

"Yeah, I did" I state.

"What the..." JJ starts making us all laugh.

"That's a Grady-White" I tell them.

"Yeah, a new one of those is easily 500 Gs" Cassie tells the group.

"Okay!" JJ gets up "That's a primo rig."

"Yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." I remember.

"Maybe it hit a jetty or something. You surfed the surge?" Pope asked expressing his shock.

"Yeah. That's my boy. Pogue style!" JJ says laughing.

"What the heck" Kie says.

JJ pauses us "Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?"

"No, but we're about the find out." I say with a hint of excitement in my voice.

JJ looks at me with worry "dude, it's too deep."

"Yeah look I'm sorry but I'm not going to be here for your new suicide mission, I have to go sort some shit out" Cassie announces as she gets up and starts to leave.

"Are you serious right now you're gonna leave your friends just to go to your coked up kook boyfriend" Kiara shouts behind her.

"Kie can you not right now please can I just enjoy this discovery for two seconds please, that's all I want" I yell, honestly as much as I love Kiara and Cassie their occasional bickering can really piss me off.

"Honestly can you get off my back, just because Rafe didn't want you again after a one night fling in your little Kook year, doesn't mean you can hate on me cause your sad you only had him for two seconds." Then just like that Cassie storms out leaving us all silent.

"Guess we'll just have to do this search with one less member of the crew" JJ says. "Thanks a lot Kie."


Cassie's pov:

Again I end back where I was this morning the Cameron's. Knocking on the front door three times waiting for somebody to answer.

Soon enough I finally get a reply from the one and only Sarah Cameron.

"Hey, Sarah do you know if your brothers home" I asked.

"Yeah, he should be in his room" she smiled, even though Kiara always hated her I think she's nice.

"Ok thank you, I'll see you at midsummers yeah?" I ask smiling back.

"Yeah, are you going with Rafe?" She asked me
looking interested for a response.

I look at her wondering if she somehow knows about this morning "um, depends how he acts tonight, are you going with Topper?" I ask, even though we're not too close with each other after me and Rafe have fights sometimes I sleep in Sarah's room and we just talk. Something about those conversations feel like a safe place like there's no judgment or anything uncomfortable, but if it were Kie she'd just get mad about me being with a Kook, despite her being a half Kook.

"Yeah, I mean there's really no one else to go with I guess" she tells me laughing off the awkward subject. Sarah and Topper were never really the perfect couple when being alone but if there was a crowd in front of them they were the it couple of the Kooks.

I look at her sympathetically I guess I can somewhat relate to her, me and Rafe have never been the perfect couple either. He has a short temper and some issues involving his dad so he uses drugs to solve his problems, it doesn't do much. It doesn't help that my own brother Barry is his drug dealer too, makes it hurt even more if I'm being honest. Every time I visit Rafe he has a different mood each time whether it's happy, sad or angry. I hate when he's angry. He can be controlling and over protective it's like having a security guard that lets you do nothing. He can be jealous and cocky, every time he sees me with the Pogues he always finds different ways to ruin my day.

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