Facing the Consequences

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After what felt like only ten minutes of hanging out with Kie I spot a familiar blonde waiter out the corner of my eye. Even though I can only see the back of his head I can instantly tell it's JJ. Turning to look at Kie who was talking about God knows what I interrupt, "when the hell did JJ get out?"

"What? Where is he" She asks. Turning back towards his direction I see him dancing back to back with Sarah Cameron handing her something. "What the fuck is he doing with Sarah?" Kiara asks in an annoyed tone.

Right as JJ is about to fully walk off from Sarah he turns into Rafe. "Oh shit, this isn't going to end well" I whisper to Kie. As Rafe motions towards more of his friends more Kooks approach JJ making him back away from the group. Turning fully around Rafe's group continue to follow him until JJ starts to run inside the hotel and away from our sight.

"Fuck we gotta go follow them" Kie says immediately after they vanish. Grabbing my hand we start to speed walk our way through the large crowds surrounding us, eventually making our way into the hotel.

Looking around there's no sight of any of the boys, "what the actual fuck I know half of them go to the gym and shit but how the fuck do they run that fast?"

"Where the hell would JJ run off to?" Kie asks still looking around until her face lights up with an obvious idea circulating in her head. "The locker room" again grabbing my hand she leads me to the locker room. Since it's a men's locker room we have no other choice but to stay outside and get a security guard so we don't look suspicious. As the security guard enters through the doors me and Kie nosily get closer to the entrance to hear what is happening.

Trying to hear what they're saying we hear JJ's voice coming closer. I creak the door slightly ajar to get a visual on the situation as I see JJ getting escorted out by the security guard with his back turned to us. "All right. Fix that tie, son." He says to Rafe. "You're lookin' spiffy, too. You Powerpuff Girls have fun."

In response Rafe shouts whilst laughing, "tell Cassie to come meet me later, I think I'd like to have some fun with her, if you know what I mean"

By the expression change on JJ's face I can tell something goes off in his head as he releases from the security guards grip in attempt to lunge at Rafe. Looking at me Kiara pulls me away from the door, "how about we meet JJ outside." Taking me outside we soon hear JJ not far behind grunting as he tries to walk by himself.

"Look - look, man, I can walk by myself." He shouts at the security guard. "I got legs can you see that, brother? I really appreciate what you did back there. Let me just walk by myself." He continues as he keeps getting dragged around by the older man.

As the two pass an older man's table JJ approaches him, "oh Mr. Dunleavy, I see you got your drink, Good, that's really nice of you." Picking it up he says, "I'm actually gonna down that." Spilling the liquor into his mouth causing more eyes his way. Seeing the people around him JJ shouts, "it's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform." Starting to clap he continues, "let's hear it for them." Pointing out Rose he yells, "Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again." Just to shut him up the security guard roughly pulls JJ harder hoping he'll get the hint but he continues to shout things out like a drunk person.

Sick of the what she was seeing Kiara yells, "let go of him! You can't just boot him!"

As she continues to scream with her parents by her side trying to stop her, I feel a warm presence by my side. Looking to my right I see Rafe silently laughing at the scene infront of us as he sips his drink. Seeing me next to him staring he smiles wrapping his arm around my waist and whispering in my ear. "How about we call it an early night, hm?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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