The Secret 👀

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Sam's pov
I was just sitting in my living room with my best friend Kat just watching movies and eating popcorn"what will you do on your birthday in 4 weeks I mean you will be 21"I don't know yet Kat you know I don't know anyone here and you are my only friend" I know but come on your only 21 1 time i think we will find something in 4 weeks but for now we probably should go to bed it's 2 in the morning" yeah your right she stands up stretching if you need anything come over" I will or knock on the wall I mean your only 1 door down I giggled she laughed"good night Sammy see you tomorrow "good night Kat"I said before she closed the door I stood up bringing all the stuff in the kitchen I locked the door and turned off the lights I walked in my room seeing my cute pink room and my big bed yes I know boys are not supposed to like pink rooms or something but I do and I stand by it I get out of my clothes and put on my booty shorts and shirt laying down on my bed I open my Instagram just scrolling through it coming across many people talking about snapchat, what is snapchat it sounds like some sort of new app I don't need all the new apps anyway I just looked at some more Pics and decided to go to sleep now

Next morning
I woke up to people talking and lawnmowers outside I groand rubbing my eyes I take my phone seeing it was already 10 and 2 messages from Kat

Kat🐱 good morning Sammy
Kat🐱are you still sleeping you sleepyhead

Sam🌺hey we where late in bed yesterday what are doing
I sendet the text and stood up walking to my bathroom going to the toilet and washing my hands after and brushing my teeth walking back out I took my phone again

Kat🐱nothing much how about I come over for a bit and then we go to the mall

Sam🌺sounds good I chance real quick so be there in 10

Kat🐱alright see ya

I got out some shorts and a pink shirt bc it's hotter then a oven her in the same moment there was a knock on the door I walked out of my bedroom and to my door opening it "hey Sammy" she said smiling "hey Kat come in" she walked to the couch sitting down "and anything new" she ask not really but did you know there is a new app or something snapchat or something like that " yeah I saw that somewhere you should download it" she said "what why I don't need anymore apps" oh come on Sammy you always complain about not having friends or a boyfriend but won't chance it "yeah I know but you can't find friends or a boyfriend in an app"and who says that many many people found someone on the internet it will not hurts to try right and if you hate it throw it off your phone she laughs I mean she is right what can happen "okay okay I do it but get I any creapy messages or a dick Pic I'm out I giggled making her laugh I took my phone out downloading snapchat" what Pic should I use anyways "definitely something cute they pretend to be someone you are not" heyyyy that was mean I'm not just always cute

I got out some shorts and a pink shirt bc it's hotter then a oven her in the same moment there was a knock on the door I walked out of my bedroom and to my door opening it "hey Sammy" she said smiling "hey Kat come in" she walked to the couch sitt...

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Sam golbach
I'm just a lonely ghost 👻 in this lonely world

So I made a profil happy now I said to Kat "you will probably thank me if you find your bbf there" I looked at her "so you are there to" she laughed ready to go she ask I nodded standing up getting my little bag phone wallet and keys I put on my shoes and walked out the door after Kat locking it we walked to the elevator waiting "any shops you want to go in particular" yeah clothes I need new stuff I'm sick of my old stuff she laughed we get jn and down the stairs, we get in my car driving to the mall "do you want anything"I ask Kat yeah I need to find something cute I have a date tomorrow I looked at her "and you did not tell me this" sorryyyyy she made a poundy face "this is the first date" yes but he is so cute and smart I need to at least look good she giggled soon we got to the mall

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