Not Worthy Of Love (Part 1)

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Colby's pov
I walked in to school like always not wanting to be here at all but probably most people don't want to I walked to my locker to put all my stuff in"hey bro"I heard turning around seeing Jake "hey man you good"yeah amazing actually I ask her out yesterday finally"he said really that's amazing I hope she said yes"seeing him smile from ear to ear yeah we are going out on Sunday " he grinned making me chuckle"come on let's go to class before we're to late I said walking to the glass as we walked in I saw a new face in the way back looking at him he was tiny and small with blond hair he looked cute "I would stare him to the ground" jake whispered in my ear making me shake my head sitting down in my place I tapped on Tiffany who knows everything "hey Tiffany do you know who he is"I ask pointing my eyes"yeah that's sam he moved here in the weekend and is the first day here he's very quiet dident talk to anyone he seems shy and dosent want to talk"thanks Tiffany"I said smiling hearing her giggle quietly"maybe you can get him out of his shell "Robin said beside me"yeah good luck at least 30 people tried to talk to him but he stays silent or walks off he is either shy, full of himself or doesent want friends "Taylor says" I have very good patients I can at least try and he doesn't seem arrogant the whole class I looked at him now and then his eyes always clued on the teacher and the bord until the class was over all people walked out so I thought what can I lose I at least can introduce myself so I stood up walking to his table he looked up then down again about to get up he looked back up his eyes instantly blue "hey I'm colby Sorry when I bother you I just wanted to say hello bc your new" he looked at me for a sec nodding but stood up quickly walking out that was strange the others where right but it doesn't seem like he is arrogant I walked out seeing my friends waiting "and" I shook my head nothing he looked at me then stormed off but I don't believe it's bc hes arrogant I think he is shy or something else I think we all can tell when someone walks with there nose up " yeah like Brittany" jake says mimicking her making me laugh "hey but I definitely won't give up yet you guys know me and he dident seam pissed then good luck we have to go to our next class see you at lunch I walked to the next class history making me groan inside nobody wants history 9 in the morning I walkes in to the room seeing sam already in the back damn he really doesn't want people or breaks ha I sit down being all alone for this class I looked at him seeing him look at me I smiled a bit seeing him look away finding it cute somehow I pulled out my paper and pan to just write stuff down while pretending I'm interested in the class the whole glass I looked at sam now and then knowing know he writes with his left hand and looks at the teacher non stop like the last class I wonder why nobody does that right even if you love school I got ripped out of my thoughts when the bell got off seeing all the people leave besides sam so I just walked up to him bc why not I stand in front of his desk making him look up "hey sorry when I bother you I just wanted to ask if your looking for friends" but he just stood up storming out making me a little sad wondering why he was like this did he really dident want friends or people talking to him or was there something else maybe I could try at lunch again to sit down with him just eat I smiled walking out the room seeing sam on his locker in the way back I looked at him for a sec before walking to my next class before finally lunch I'm hungry as hell I hope there is not something disgusting again..... After what felt like 4h it was finally lunch time and I was starving almost dead even I walked in the cafeteria waiting in line while I looked around seeing sam in the way back on the last table alone I really wish I would know why he is how he is I took my plate and put everything on what I want walking up to sitting down can I eat with you I said when he looked up but he dident say anything just looking down eating what he had left standing up after just leaving making me pretty sad by now not gone lie should I just leave him alone when he doesn't want to or should I keep trying the problem is I don't wanne stalk him so to speak but I think his intentions are not bad.... The rest of the day was very boring being glad it's over but I still don't know what to do with sam "hey bro" I turned around seeing Jake "hey man" and any luck with sam " nah nothing bro he just jumps up everytime I talk to him" that's what we told you leave him be " he said nah im not the person to give up just yet I just need some sort of idea what to do that he might talks to me but what" hey babe can you come here for a sec please jake said so she walks up to him "babe when you want to be friends with someone but there don't want to talk or are to shy what would you do" he ask her looking at her "probably write little notes or letters it's most of the time easier to write then talk" she said "omg that is such a good idea you are a genius" he tells her pecking her lips she giggled walking back to her friends "what do you think it find that a pretty amazing idea" making me nod thinking that to "okay them let's try that let's see if he will talk to me or write" but bro please think about the possibility he won't I don't want you heart broken " he chuckled walking off making me shake my head I looked around seeing no one here anymore so I pulled out some paper and a pen

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