Meet the Victims

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Chris POV:

"It's been 15 years since our show first aired and we're back where it all began, this abandoned summer camp in Muskoka, Canada. Back to the run-down cabins, hungry Bears hungrier bugs back to the stinky out house where contestants confess their secrets, and of course chefs disgusting food today 16 new contestants arrive to battle to be the last one standing and win one million dollars someone can be easy this isn't just a reboot is a reboot to the face your challenges deadly ades and a running team made up of angry monkeys who want nothing more than to see humanity fall as always I'm your host Christ McLean and this is total Drama Island!"

Time skip to when Priya gets onto the dock.

"Next we have Y/N!" I announced, a girl wearing (you're favourite outfit) with (H/C) (H/L) hair and (E/C) eyes is standing on the boat excitedly looking around

Y/N's audition tape:

"Hiya! I'm Y/N! Soon to be winner of that Million Dollars! I've watched all seasons of Total Drama so I know how to play this game, I've been training for this despite my parents cornsern and I am confident I can win this!" She smirked as she threw a dart and it landed on a picture of total drama season 1 constant Harold, it landed straight on the bullseye in the middle of his face first try. she then looks back at the camera "yep, they're going down" she smiled as she turned off the camera

End of audition tape and now Y/N's POV:

I excitedly got onto the dock 'oh my God this is actually happening!' I thought as I walked next to the girl in blue (who I think was Priya) "hi I'm Y/N" i smiled as i held my hand out to her and the girl behind her "Priya" the first one smiled "I'm Millie" the other one smiled back "nice to meet you both" I smiled as they shook my hand. Then we saw a guy with long hair and a yellow shirt (who's name is Zee) walk onto the dock. We exchanged a mutual smile and watched as a boy with a green shirt and brown hair got onto the dock (his name was Ripper) "time for beast mode!" He announced as he ripped off his shirt! "Oh. Oh my" Priya said "I did not want to see that" I mumbled in disgust as Millie cringed. "Take a long, dreamy gander ladies, because once I win the million bucks, I'll be out of your league" he smirked "I think Its him thats out of our league" I mumbled to Priya and Millie making them laugh. Then Ripped realized that was his only shirt.

"Next up, Damien!" Chris announced, I looked to see a very cute boy standing on the boat. Once he got off he went to Chris "hey what's up man I'm here for that million bucks where it at?" He asked "we don't just give it too you, you- you have seen this show before right?" Chris asked "nope! How do I get the money?" He asked "oh you are gonna be fun!" Chris laughed, Damien stood next to me "what did he mean by that?" He asked "wait you weren't joking? You really haven't seen this show?" I asked sounding confused "nope, what did he mean?" He asked "let's just say, I hope you've got a therapist back at home because you'll need one" I shrugged. "Wait- What!?!" He asked sounding concerned for his safety.

Time skip

Once everyone was here and I'm honestly getting a feeling I may have a lot of competition, but hey I'll make it work. I was put on the ferocious trout which isn't so bad, I'm with Priya and Millie who I'd argue I'm getting along with "your teams will compete head to head in challenges if your team wins you all safe" Chef explained "the losing team however will attend a marshmallow ceremony at the fire pit where they'll vote on which team member is the loser-iest loser of the losers and that person is eliminated, will immediately head down the Dock of shame and to be flown home by the drone of despair." Chris announced "I get such joy sing you accomplish nothing except hurting yourselves for my entertainment" Chris sighed. "Sorry how are we getting hurt?" Damien asked "he's never seen the show" Chris whispered to Chef "oh that poor poor sweet Child" Chef sighed. "You'll find your cabins marked with your team flag go get settled and we'll meet at the beach in 1 hour for your first challenge, any questions?" Chris asked "are the cabins co-ed?" Ripper smirked. Axel dropped her bag on his feet and I straight up punched him "can I vote now?" Axel asked "I assume challenger get postponent if it's too hot" Millie asked "can I switch to the team that has death in the name?" Scary girl asked "are we getting hurt?" Damien asked again sounding scared "what if I don't have a question!?!" Zee yelled "times up! no more questions. beat it." Chris smiled

I placed my bags down "i can't believe I'm actually here!" I smiled with excitement as I walked to a randomly bed "do you scream in your sleep?" Someone asked. I looked up to see scary girl "uh no?" I asked sounding concerned "hm. We'll see" she smiled. "Okay then?" I said as I stood up and walked to the bed underneath Axel then I pulled out a book and waited for the first challenge. Once everything was set up Chris called us to the beach. Our first challenge was about to begin.

"Welcome to your first challenge" Chris smiled "this challenge is about learning to communicate and trust your new teammates two players from each team will be tied together at the waist and navigate through this course to collect two buckets of disgusting fish chum then return to the towers and place the buckets on that platform" Chef explained "sounds easy" Zee smiled "Zee!" I yelled knowing what Chris would do. "Zee is right it does sound easy that's why the course is loaded with boobytraps." Chris smiled "randomly scattered posts lobster traps messy mud puddles nests of Murder hornets and more, these would all be very easy to avoid if you weren't blindfolded, which all bucket carriers will be" Chris smiled "each blindfolded duo will rely on the voices of two or three teammates, who from the top of these towers will help them get to the buckets in back again safely once the buckets are on the platform the remaining four teammates will carefully raise them to the top of the tower using these pulleys if they aren't careful one side will raise higher than the other, the buckets will fall and they will lose the challenge." Chef explained "the winner of the challenge will dine on pizza in wings tonight, the losers will be sending someone home teams decide who's doing what we start in 2 minutes" Chris smiled.

Me, Millie and Damien were standing on the tower as Ripper and Chase were running, "guys go straight!" I yelled "good! That's it!" Millie cheered "now left!" She continued but they went right!?! "Other left! You're going for a- lobster trap." Before I could even finish they crashed into a lobster trap. "that looked like it hurt" Damien said "because they probably did" I said back to him suddenly Ripper ripped off a lobster that was clinging on his pants (or trousers if you're British) and it ripped off the fabric revealing his butt! "Ew! Gross!" I yelled as I looked away suddenly he stopped to check if his shoe was untied and showed us his naked butt again! All three of us looked away in disgust

Y/N and Damien confesional


These are different confesionals but they say the exact same thing

Damian and Y/N on different sides of the screen: No! No! No! No! You cannot put THAT on TV!

End of confessional

I fought the erge to throw up so Millie gave directions and Damien was freaking out about how they could've drowned thanks to a mud puddle. "Go straight!" Emma yelled "thanks for the help babe" Chase yelled back (despite them being on opposite teams) "i wasn't talking to you! You are doing horrible and you don't get to call me babe anymore." Emma yelled "why are you so mad at me?" He asked "are you kidding!?!" Emma yelled "I'll bet you 5 bucks he kissed another girl" Bowie whispered. "I'll bet he did something way worse, Chase seems like the kind of guy to do something like that" I smirked as we shook hands. "You cut the breaks on my car!" She yelled "He did what!?!" I yelled in concern for Emma, I get she's on the other team but she's still a person! "You're still mad about that?" Chase yelled up "Chase you could've killed her!" I yelled "exactly! You made me crash into a pet store." She cried "you what now?" Bowie asked "veer right!" Millie yelled "that's why I'm donating 25% of the million to an animal hospital" she explained "by the sounds of it you're better off without him" I said "Y/N! Who's team are you on!?!" Chase yelled up at me "the team who has basic human decency to not cut people's breaks!" I yelled as Chase and Ripper placed their buckets on the platform. Luckily we won! First challenge and we won, things are looking up.

I stepped out of our cabin to see Caleb being carried away! "What did Caleb do?" I mumbled, then I saw Bowie sneaking away from the bushes "oh I bet he had something to do with it. But hey can't blame him for playing the game" I Shrugged as I walked back into the cabin.

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