Jurassic Fart

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I sat in the cafeteria trying not to gag. Breakfast for today was beans. Literal just beans and beans are my least favourite food, then Damien walked in "Y/N! My favourite girl on the island, looking stunning as always" he smiled as he placed an arm around my shoulder "really? Thanks" I smiled as I felt my face go a little red. then I snapped back to reality "wait a minute, you don't usually say this kind of stuff to me or anyone else what do you want?" I asked "I'm running a vote Damien off the island campaign! I'd rather go home from a drone today than a box tomorrow. Take a button" he said as he proudly showed me the button he made "damn you really want to go home don't you" I said in confusion and slight sadness. "Yep! So can I count on you?" He asked "sorry Damien but I promised Priya to vote off Ripper as soon as I could" I said to him "Y/N would you rather see me die here?" He asked "no...fine I'll take a button" I smiled as I reluctantly took one "yes! I knew I could count on you" he grinned as he left. I sighed and held the button in my hands. "You know what I think I'll starve" I said as I walked away from my breakfast.

Chris then called us to the beach. "Morning campers I hope you enjoyed you're breakfast" he grinned evily "he's plotting something." I mumbled

Y/N confesional:

"Chris had planned something and something is telling me that it had something to do with the breakfast. Thank god I didn't eat it." I said In relief.

End of confessional

"Today's challenges a simple race from this side of the island to the other side. First team to have all their members on the doc wins and they're losing team as always we all be sending someone home" Chris announced "that'll be me right?" Damien asked "Damien even if I do vote with you everyone wants Ripper gone I'm sorry" I replied "Y/N and Damien stop with the flirting" Chris said to us making both of us go red "we weren't flirting!" I yelled as Damien nodded. "bla bla we know there's a catch tell us how we're gonna die" MK said to him "just because there's never not been a catch MK doesn't mean there's always going to be a catch." Chris replied "awesome there's no catch" Ripper smiled "of course there's a catch!" Chris Grinned "Land mines! It's land mines isn't it!" Damien yelled as he grabbed my arms and started shaking me, luckily it wasn't land mines. "Let's just say you'll want to do this as silently as possible" Chris said. Suddenly everything made sense. The reason he served beans for breakfast was to make it difficult to cross the island silently! In other words the beans made everyone (but me and Julia) fart and they'll have trouble crossing the island quietly. Then Chris let it slip to us that there were Raptors on the island! He then drove away and we all ran! I tired to find Damien but  Julia grabbed my arm "Y/N, since we didn't eat the beans do you want to do this race together?" She whispered. I looked around for Damien but when I couldn't find him I nodded. "Let's do this" I smiled as we began to run.

We walked through the woods and I nervously looked around "you nervous Y/N?" She asked "yeah I am we are in an island full of formally extinct dinosaurs" I whispered "okay I see your point" she said to me "I'm also worried about Damien, there are Raptors running around and he's not the best at keeping quiet with all the screaming he's done on this show especially with today's breakfast to add it all up." i said to her "oh yeah you two are close" she smirked "he's like my best friend" i smiled "friend? Just friend? You sure about that?" She asked "yeah? What are you hinting at?" I asked "well you two just seemed so attached, I'll be projecting my love goddess energy into you two" she smiled "oh you don't need to-" suddenly I saw from behind her a Raptor! "Julia! Run!" I yelled as I ran off!

I ran through the woods until I came across the dining hall!  I turned to tell Julia the plan only to realize I left her behind! "Shoot! Julia I'm so sorry!" I whispered in frustration "Looks like I'm hiding in here for now" I said as I heard the raptor roaring in the distance! I climbed in through the window suddenly the door opened and I ducked underneath the table and covered my mouth, then I saw four familer faces run inside the room! "We can stop farting and make it to the finish line silently if we can find some ajwain and eat it" a voice said "Damien?" I questioned as I got out from under the table "Y/N???" He said back In confusion "you're okay!" I smiled as I hugged him "yeah I'm fine, what about you?" He asked "I was running with Julia, we both skipped the breakfast this morning, and-" "Nerd Love" Ripper scoffed "way to ruin a cute moment Ripper" Millie said angrily, we both stopped hugging and began to look for Ajwain. Eventually Damien found it! He, Priya, Ripper and Millie took it in their hands, Damien, Priya and Millie are it but Ripped didn't. "Wait!" He yelled "oh come on!" I yelled in frustration! "Are you kidding me right now!?!" Damien yelled "what? What's happening?" Priya asked in fear "yeah what's going on?" Millie asked "Millie remember the thing you were interviewing Ripper on?" I asked "oh. OH! Ripper now's not the time!" She yelled in realization "can someone explain what he's about to do!?!" Priya yelled. All I'll say is that he beat the world record. "Are you crazy!?!" Damien yelled. Suddenly we saw the silhouette of a Raptor on the other side of the door! "We're fine, raptors can't open doors, they have the brains of nine year olds" Ripped said "Out of pure curiosity what age did you learn how to open a door?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow "I partially agree with Ripper twisting a door knob requires a dexterity that raptors don't have-" before Millie could finish the Raptor opened the door! "Are you sure about that!?!" Damien yelled as the Raptor roared at us! We all screamed! This was how I die!

"This is it! This is how I die!" Damien yelled as we held the Raptor back with brooms "Damien! You're the love of my life!" I yelled "I am!?!" He yelled "nope! I just wanted to say that to someone before I die!" I yelled back "we can't hold him back much longer!" Priya yelled, suddenly Damien grabbed the pot of beans off the flaming hot stove and shoved it into the Raptors mouth! "Run!" He yelled as he grabbed my arm and dragged us away from the room! Then it kitchen exploded! "Damien you just saved us!" I grinned "I did? I did!" He yelled in excitement! Unfortunately we came last so we were voting someone out. And I knew how to thank Damien. By sending him home, I know it's what he wanted.

We sat at the campfire and we all voted Damien. He deserved to be happy, Then Chris gave Ripper the marshmallow. "What?!?" He mumbled in confusion "as a thank you I convinced everyone to vote you off" I smiled "c'mon Damien" Chris smiled as he led Damien away. He looked back at me and I held a piece of paper in my hands. I was Debating giving Damien my number. I rolled my eyes playfully and ran towards the dock. "Damien!" I yelled as I ran towards him "Y/N?" He asked "here, it's my number. Text me once you get back" I smiled "thanks" he smiled "I'll miss you" I sighed "hey I'll miss you too, but when you win that million it'll be worth it" he smiled "i guess." I smiled weakly. "You know what's funny? I decided to stay and the moment I do I get voted off" he sighed "oh my god Damien I'm so sorry" I said sadly "it's okay, ironly is a cruel cruel-" before he could finish the drone took him away! "This is not safe!" He yelled as he held tightly onto the paper I gave him. This was it. I was now in this game without him. Great.

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