Numbskull island

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I was sitting in the dining hall when Damien walked in "hey Y/N" he said as he sat down next to me "hi" I smiled "listen I just wanted to apologize for yesterday" he said Akwardly "oh no need, I get it you were on the verge of death and that must have been terrifying" I smiled "I was more apologising for the whole me falling on you" he said even more Akwardly "oh- Oh! That! Yeah apology accepted" I smiled as I felt my face go warm "anyway now that I've apologised I wanted to ask you something" he said "what's up?" I asked "will you vote for me?" He asked, the question surprised me but I predicted it at the same time. "Damien I vote for whoever deserves it. So unless you royally screw up the challenge some how then I don't think I can" I said to him "please, I don't know if I can do this show" he said as he held up the spoon from his bowl to try and eat "Sorry Damien" I shrugged, suddenly his bowl began to walk away! He screamed and I immediately pushed my bowl away "and I've lost my appetite" I said as Damien tried to Process the fact his bowl had crawled away!

We gathered for the next challenge "trouts and frogs, welcome to your next challenge, capture the skull" Chris announced. This was followed up by Scary girl giggling and clapping "settle down! They're not real" Chris said to her causing her to stop in sadness. Me and Damien exchanged a look. "Chef built each team a fort. In front of each teams fort is a pedestal where you're teams skull must remain. The first team to steal the other teams skull and bring it back to me here, wins immunity" chris explained "excuse me, does it have to be one of the skulls provided or would you accept any skull" she smiled as she looked at Damien "why is she looking at my head?!? tell her to stop looking at my head!" He said as he hid behind me "scary girl it has to be the skull I provided. And you should always be this far away from me" he smiled as he pushed her behind me and Damien and next to Priya "I think that was a smart question, not just smart for you! Smart for anyone! Just plain smart you're smart! Whoo whoo!"  Priya said awkwardly. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away before she could say anything stupid. "Thank you so much" she sighed in relief "no problem" I whispered.

"To defend you're skull each fort is equipped with several let's call them weapons. fire hoses, distinct bombs, boulders and harpoon launchers!" Chris announced. But as he demonstrated the harpoon (that was replaced by a plunger) he knocked over a tree so Chef had to come over and take it from him. "Each fort area has shields popping up and down at random intervals teams must decide who's going to defend and who tries to capture the other teams skull. As always the losing team will be sending someone home" Chris said.

We stood in the base, and suddenly we heard two stupid jocks. Wayne and Raj where making hoot noises running towards usm . "Have they ever heard an owl?" Damien asked "probably not" I shrugged "they're coming! We need a plan. Who's on defence?" Priya asked "I can take the fire hose" Zee smiled "I call plunger harpoons" Ripper smiled "I call jackhammer!" Scary girl grinned "I'm sorry what!?!" I yelled in slight fear for mine and possibly everyone else's life.

Y/N confesional:

"Someone once asked me, 'Y/N what's your worst fear?' back then I said I didn't know, but scary girl on a jackhammer terrifies me"

End of confessional

Chris then decided to make it part of the stupid game! I pitty the other team. Chase dragged me, Priya, Millie and Damien towards getting the other skull. However Millie got hit by the hose! Then Emma saw us and aimed at Damien! I immediately grabbed Damien and ducked behind a bush that was out of Emma's view completely. "You good?" I asked "yeah, thanks" he smiled "any time" I smiled back, then I went to see if the coast is clear only to immediately hide when I saw Scary girl on her jackhammer! "I still can't believe Chris made it an actual weapon in the game" I said nervously "well she's on our team so we don't have anything to worry about" he smiled reassuringly "I guess yeah" I smiled. Then I went to check the area to see MK hiding from Scary girl as well. She saw me and I looked around and gave her a thumbs up. I took a deep breath and decided to drive scary girl away from her. "Hey Scary girl? I think she's gone" I yelled, then Damien got up "yeah, Mabye you should go after someone else" Damien said. But Scary girl only saw Damien as fresh meat and began to chase him! "Y/N! Save me!" He yelled as he ran from her! "Wait! Scary girl he's on our team! Same team!" I yelled as I ran after the two.

Damien managed to hide somewhere and Scary gir began to look for him. "How about we go after someone else now?" I asked hoping Damien got far away enough. Then she looked at me. "Scary girl no. No! No!" I yelled as she began to chase me! "Scary girl we are on the same team!" I yelled as she was laughing like a phyco! Suddenly a shield went up and revealed Damien from his hiding place! "Two screams are better than one" Scary girl grinned, Damien and me shared a scream as we began to run!

As we ran i suddenly tripped over! I saw Scary girl getting dangerously close and I began to scream and brace myself for impact. But suddenly I was picked up bridal style and began to move again! I looked to see Damien! "Damien!?! Why didn't you run you could've gotten further away!" I yelled "a thanks for saving me last time- AHHH SHE'S GETTING CLOSER!" He yelled, I looked to see her getting very close as well! I screamed immediately "No pressure but go faster!" I yelled in panic "I'm trying!" He yelled back as her phycotic laughter got closer! "Damien you can put me down! I can run!" I yelled in urgency but he didn't listen.

A few minutes later she was still chasing us and Damien still didn't put me down. he then tripped and fell over! We were both on the ground and Scary girl was Infront of us with the jackhammer! I immediately held my arm Infront of Damien to try and protect him. "Scary girl this isn't funny we're on the same team!" I yelled in fear. Suddenly the skull landed Infront of her! "Take it to Chris!" Ripper yelled "before I take it to Chris... I'm going to give you a makeover" she grinned as she skipped away leaving the jackhammer alone. "We actually survived" I smiled in relief "yeah!" Damien said as we stood up "you okay?" He asked "yeah, thanks for saving me back there" I smiled. Suddenly Chris announced that the frogs had won! Yeah I'm voting scary girl.

We walked towards the campfire. Priya had an ice pack on her face "you good?" I asked "Ripper used her as a human sheild" Millie said to me "he what!?!" I yelled"mhm" Priya said sadly "that jerk! I'll vote for him next time. Scary girl chased me and Damien today" i said to her "I understand" Priya smiled sadly. "Damien and Y/N" Chef said "what did we do!?!" Damien asked "you two didn't defend you're teams skull or try to capture the other teams skull. You just ran around screaming." Chef said to us.

Y/N confesional:

"we were being chased by a psychopath on a jackhammer! We didn't get a choice in it!" I yelled in Frustration

End of confessional

"Ripper, you nearly won it for you're team but you did it by using one if your own team mates as a shield" Chef said to him earning a glare from me, Priya and Millie. I'm definitely voting him next time that was messed up! "Scary girl, you had the skill but instead of giving it to Chris for the win you Ran away and gave it a makeover." Chef finished. Luckily me and Damien got a marshmallow. Scary girl (thankfully) was sent home.

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