Magma laude

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Okay! So I was voted out and now it's the final! We walked over the hill to see Millie, Priya and Bowie! But Priya and Millie were looking very angry at eachother. Well Priya was, Millie looked very upset and also looked like she hadn't slept a wink. "One of these failures will help you construct your raft" Chris explained as me and Damien sat next to eachother. Then I looked behind me to see that Emma and Chase were together, didn't she say she was done with him!?! "what the-" "great I pick Raj" Bowie smiled "no no no your partner will be determined by spinning the wheel of losers" Chris announced "dude that is unnecessalery harsh" Zee pointed out "yeah, why not call it the wheel of people who tried the best" Damien shrugged "or who accidentally killed a turtle?" Emma asked "time out! Killed a a what!?!" I Yelled "or who never even got a chance because others found them physically intimidating?" Caleb asked "oh poor gorgeous you." MK said sarcasticly. "We're not changing the name it's called the wheel of losers." Chris announced. "Priya you get first spin." Chef said to her. Priya spun the wheel and got Damien, Damien waved goodbye to me and walked away. "Millie you're up next" Chris smiled, however she got Ripper. That poor girl. Then Bowie spun. And got me! "Hey Bowie!" I smiled as I walked towards him.

We ran to find a tree as quickly as possible, "Okay Bowie! Let's do this!" I grinned as I began to help him saw down the tree. "Thank God I got you over Julia" he smiled "I don't know what happened but okay? What happened in the last few episodes? And why is Millie sad?" I aske "oh I dropped Millie's notebook and exposed all yhe horrible things she said about Priya, an I ripped out the parts that had her apology in" he smirked "oh my god! Thats actually really strategic" I said as the tree fell down! "I know" he smirked "anyway the deal with you and Damien?" He asked "what?" I asked "I've seen the way you two look at eachother" he smiled "what? No! He's just a friend" I smiled Akwardly as I felt I face heat up "really? Is that how you really feel?" He asked as I looked at Damien.he tan off with Priya, I smiled then my eyes widened and my grin dropped! "Oh shoot." I mumbled. "Done!" He yelled as the tree fell! "Okay let's get this to the lake!" I grinned as we dragged it. But as we got there we saw the other two in front and the lake was "LAVA!?! THE LAKE IS LAVA!?! I knew you were crazy but jesus!" I yelled at him "oh hi Bowie! I didn't know you're still playing" he smiled "shove it Chris." Bowie said as he threw his log Into the lava and began to go! "Go Bowie! You got this!" I yelled as he began to row.

"So what were you and Bowie talking about?" He asked I went red "nothing! Just talking about stuff!" I lied as we walked back to the seats. Then if was announced that Bowie and Priya won! Then Millie came back with a smile! "Hey, well done for getting so far" I smiled "thanks, and me and Priya are good again!" She grinned "that's amazing" I smiled as we began to watch the next challenge.

Time skip

We watched as two balls full of barf went falling down the hill! I watched from the edge of my seat with baited breath! Suddenly out came Priya! "YES PRIYA!" I yelled out of excitement. She had won!

Time skip

We all sat at the fire and watched Priya claim her million dollars which she definitely deserved! ", hope you all had fun because you're all invited back for a rematch next season!" Chris yelled, me and Damien shared a look and Excitedly cheered! Next season I will win that million! Mark my words!

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