Season 2 episode 2

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I woke and began to walk, then I noticed Priya was giving Caleb goo-goo eyes. Oh she's definitely into him. Then we walked into the canteen. Then I saw Ripper walk towards Axel. Then I remembered what he told me, but Axel shoved her food into his face and walked away. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him "you good? I take it you still like her" I asked the bowl fell off his face and it revealed his sad eyes "oh God! Uh I take it that it didn't go well?" I asked "I just- wait we're on different teams!" He pointed out "so is you and Axel" I pointed out "fine. Yeah I still do." He sighed "I'll put in a word" I sighed "you'd do that?" He asked "yep! But if we make it to the merge you can't vote for me, deal?" I asked "deal" he said as we walked to the next challenge.

Y/N confessional

"Don't get me wrong an alliance with Damien is good but if those two do become a couple then I'll have a four person alliance! And Me and Priya are close so if Priya and Caleb end up in an alliance that's another two and where Priya goes Millie follows so in short I'll have a lot of votes in my favour. I told you I'm here to win"

End of confessional

We stood on the cliffs with our helmets on. "Welcome to your second challenge water slide basketball." Chef announced. Then Damien immediately hugged me and screamed. Something tells me he's afraid of water slides. "We're gonna crush this! Up top! Down low! Up top!" Nichelle cheered as we gave her high fives. I'm starting to like Nichelle a lot more than last season. "Hey Axel, what do you think of Ripper?" I asked "what about him?" She asked in her usual tone "oh nothing I just think you'd two be cute together that's all" I Shrugged "what?" She asked "nothing!" I said as I faced Chris again 'and now I'll just let that fester in her mind for a bit.' I thought to myself. "There are three terrifying slides the one you take is up to The slider." Chris explained "Regardless of the slide you pick your goal is to launch yourself through the basketball net out there in the water." Chef said to us "I assume the slides have different point values?" Priya asked "correct amendo!" Chris yelled in short. Blue is 1 point, pink is 2 and green is 3 but there is a 4 point slide it's a vertical drop that crushes bones and boots you into the net. Then I noticed Emma messing with Chase's head. Damn she's good. We had to get to 21 points. Easy? Hopefully. "Okay rat faces, let's make it two wins in a  row. we're the smarter team so let's use our heads-" "heads? Use your bodies you nerds!" Ripper yelled "who you calling a nerd?" Axel asked "not- not you! You're cool like me! We cool- us- us cool! We is- are!" He said as I began shaking my head as a "stop it you're making it harder for me!"

Y/N confesional:

"Why am I helping Ripper!?! Setting these two is going to be harder than I thought."

End of confessional

We let the other team go first. Julia went first and immediately failed. I held back my laughter. Then Millie decided to go next! And got us one point! So we were winning! Then Emma began to mess with Chase again! "You're good at this" I smiled as I gave her a high five "eh it's Chase, I'll do what I can" she smiled then Zee went next and we got another point! "I'm next!" I grinned as I ran towards the three pointer! "Y/N that's the three pointer!" Priya yelled "I know!" I grinned as I began to slide! And I actually did it! I got out the water and began to walk back up. I watched as Zee landed, then we found out that the turns was non existent! I made it back to the top and saw Damien holding a blindfold, "Damien? What are you doing?" I asked "if i can't see my fears then i won't be scared" he shrugged "okay!" I Shrugged as Millie guided him to the one pointer, he actually made it! "Yes Damien! You did it!" I cheered, he looked back up to me and smiled and waved, then looked back at the point bord cheering, I felt my face heat up a bit but then Millie gasped "you like him!" She grinned, I immediately covered my face "like him? Damien? He's my best friend of course I like him!" I said nervously "you know what I ment" she teased "okay fine. Don't tell him please!" I said to her "you're secret is safe with me" she smiled.

There was alot of rounds of everyone going down those slides, Damien was continuing his blindfold trick and it actually worked! And then something happened"YO AXEL! THIS NUDE BUTTER BALL HAS A CRUSH ON YOU AND WANTS YOU TO WATCH HIM SLIDE!" Julia yelled. "What!?!" Axel replied. I then felt a giant sickness inside of me once I saw Ripper. He then slid down the slide and failed.

Y/N confesional:

"Yep! This'll be harder than I thought"

End of confessional

Then Wayne and Raj clogged the three pointer! And we only needed four points! Everyone (but Millie and Damien went down the two pointer. But we all missed and the skunk butts gained another load of points! "Millie! Get Damien into the 1 pointed and then get us three points!" I yelled, then I saw Damien put on his blindfold and Millie started to guide him away from the 1 pointed and to the 4 pointer! "Damien wanted to do the 4 pointer" Caleb asked "I bet it wasn't by choice." Axel said "I'm sorry the Vertical 4 pointer that crushes bones and kicks people with a giant boot!?!" I yelled then I heard him screaming! "Damien!" I yelled as I swam to the hoop to catch him, he landed in the hoop and won the points so we won but at what cost!?! As he landed I caught him. "Oh my god! Damien are you okay!?!" I yelled in panic. "I- I said one pointer! So did you! Right? Right?" He asked as he held onto me tightly. "Millie what the heck!" I yelled as I swam back to shore and carried him "we need to get him to camp!" I said as we walked "I- I said a 1 pointer. Then the falling! And the crushing! And the boot! Oh the Boot!" He cried as we walked. I shot Millie a death glare and continued walking.

Once we got Damien checked out I took him to his bed. "Okay Damien get some rest. I'll bring you dinner okay?" I asked "mhm" he said shakily "Damien, Millie is just lucky we won tonight. You didn't deserve that" I said to him "thanks Y/N" he said to me "any time" I smiled as I walked out.

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