Season 2 episode 6

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I sat in the dining hall reading a book. Wayne and Raj came in talking about their team so I decided to block it out. My mind was deciding what to do about my feelings for Damien. "Hey Y/N" Damien smiled. "Uh- Hi! Hi! Hello Damien how- are you doing?" I smiled nervously.

Y/N confesionals

"I really like Damien but I don't want to! He's my friend and I really don't want to mess that up! And He's nice but 1 million dollars would also be really nice! And saying that out loud makes me feel horrible! I don't get it!" I yelled I frustration with my face being very red

End of confessional

"ATTENTION CAMPERS, MEET ME IN THE DINING HALL IT'S CHALLENGE TIME!" Chris announced through the speakers. Damien sat beside me and we watched as everyone else walked in.

"Campers it's huge announcement time! Chef do your thing!" Chris Grinned. Chef stepped forward and held our team banners. He threw them into this weird acid like mixture and we all knew what was happening. The merge. "The teams are merged! Look to your left, and then to you right. Those are now you're sworn enemies. Going forward only one camper can win immunity which means everyone else is up for elimination." Chris explained. Me and Damien shared a look. Hopefully Ripper remembered our deal. "In addition to the merging of the teams there will now be an immunity idol in play." As Chris explained me and Damien shared a look. We needed to find that Idol. Then I shot Ripper a look as a reminder of our deal. I think he caught on. Hopefully.

"As you can see today challenge involves canoeing so you'll need to pair up! But I get to choose the pairs. Bowie and Raj, Damien and Zee, Priya and Caleb, Axel and Ripper, Julia and Wayne and Y/N with MK." Chris Grinned. I walked over to MK "hi" I said awkwardly "hey" she said back with the sane level of awkwardness. Then Chris walked over "hey just checking in here, I've seemed to have lost an intern. Wondering if you two have seen him" he asked while looking at MK "uh what did he look like?" I asked "hm about MKs height, nervous deceitful eyes, a mustache. Where is he?" Then he took out a marker and drew a mustache on MKs face. "There he is! That's pretty impressive dressing up as an intern to get information on the challenges so your team could cheat." Chris said loudly to her "you what!?!" I yelled angrily at MK. "More information will be given at the lake! Go!" He yelled. "you're carrying the canoe." I said angrily as I began to walk.

As we began to walk MK struggled to keep up and carry it "this bites but I've gotten through worse on this show." She said under her breath. "Hey Y/N!" Damien yelled "hey!" I grinned as he kept running with Zee. "Uh Y/N? What's with the face?" MK asked. I felt my face to realize I was blushing. "Oh Crud." I Mumbled "relax I know you like him he's just very oblivious" he said with an eye roll "if you tell Julia this then I swear to God MK" I said nervously "nah you're good. I don't like talking about love so you're in luck." She shrugged. She was going to tell Julia. Suddenly I looked back at the Canoe to see a lot of animals hap gotten on top of it! "Uh MK?" She then saw them and shook them off "THIS IS WHY I SUPPORT CLEAR CUTTING!" She yelled as they ran "MK!" I yelled "i don't but when I'm angry I say stuff I don't mean" she said to me.

Once we arrived at the lake I noticed Chris's weird- I mean unique outfit. "Campers today I am your king and you will entertain me." He announced "that explains it" I mumbled sarcasticly earning a small laugh from MK. She's pretty decent once you get to know her, and get past the fact she's friends with the backstabber heather knock-off known as Julia. "Chris! Damian told me he was some kind of a level eight wizard squire! So we've got this challenge!" Zee yelled. My eyes widened as I looked at Damien. He noticed and looked away.

Damien confesionals:

"Not something I was planning on sharing with everyone. And now Y/N Probably thinks I'm even weirder. great."

Y/N confesionals

"He's played Dungeons and flying lizars too!?! Wow I didn't think I could like him as much as I did- STOP IT Y/N you're here to win the million! Focus! But it's just so-" I then slapped myself "NO!"

End of confessional

"Welcome to King Chris' royal royal rumble of canoe jousting!" Chef announced "the camper I've partnered with is you're opponent!" Chris Grinned. Me and MK exchanged a look. "Competitors will balance in the canoes trying to knock each other off. the first opponent to hit the water is done for the day the winner moves on to the next round" Chef explained "by the end of this competition there'll be one winner everyone else is up for elimination" Chris grinned.

Me and MK grabbed our helmets and canoed to the middle of the lake. Chef sounded the horn and I looked at MK. "Sorry in advance!" I called. Then I glared at her and grabbed my weapon tightly. "Uh Y/N what do you-" Then I swung at her and knocked her off. "Well that was easy" I shrugged. Then I heard a giant splash. I looked to see both Axel and Ripper had jumped into the water. Then I heard Damien screaming! I looked to see he had knocked Zee's drunk out of his hand and was swinging at him while screaming! "The heck?" I asked myself while looking at the sight. This went on for a few minutes and then Damien knocked the weapon out of Zee's hand "HAHA! Prepare to yield sir sodaman!" He then began his battle cry and I was laughing so much. This was so adorable and funny to watch! Then See jumped trying to get Damien off the boat but In doing that he got himself into the water instead. I laughed a bit more and then Damien realized I was watching. I waved with a smile and he awkwardly waved back. Once the first part was over me it was me Vs Bowie and Damien Vs Julia. I'm praying for Damien.

I looked at Bowie and smiled nervously. "Sorry Y/N. I need Immunity!" He yelled "well then, goodluck!" I yelled ask blocked his hit! I then pushed him away and swung at him, I nearly got him! He blocked my attack and tried to hit me again, I dodged and tried to hit again only for him to jump and avoid it. "Hey Y/N! You're shoelaces are united" he smirked "nice one. I don't wear shoelaces" I said with an eye roll "oh yeah sorry- OH MY GOD LOOK AT WHAT JULIA IS DOING TO DAMIEN THAT IS BRUTAL!" Bowie lied "WHAT!?!" I yelled as I turned. Only to get hit into the water by Bowie. "Should've seen that one coming." I mumbled "sorry Y/N, told you I needed Immunity" Bowie shrugged "yeah. Good one though" I smiled. Then I saw a shark! I immediately turned and punched! "Sorry!" I yelled as the shark swam away. Once I got back to shore I managed to witness Damien knocking off Julia! He was actually doing this! "GO DAMIEN!" I yelled. Then I noticed I had a fricking black eye! For god's sake Bowie!

"The final round of the Challenge will be Damien vs Bowie. And I finally realised what was missing for this to be jousting! Horses!" Chris Grinned "Horses!?!" Everyone yelled in shock. We watched as Damien and Bowie were on their horses in the middle of a lake. "10 bucks says Bowie wins?" Zee asked "I'll bet 10 Damien wins" I smiled

Y/N confesionals:

"Welp there goes 10 bucks"

End of confessional

"Just take a dive Damien! I don't wanna hurt you! You saw what I did to Y/N" Bowie yelled at Damien and I partly glared at him. Damien looked at me and I shot him a thumbs up. "One shot. Just get in one good shot." Damien mumbles. Then The two began to move! I clenched my fists in anticipation. "Come in Damien" i mumbled. Then he threw his weapon and knocked off Bowie! He did it! We All cheered for Damien! Once he got back to shore I immediately hugged him "you did it!" I grinned "I did!" He smiled. Then I realized I was very close and let go.

At the elimination ceremony sadly Bowie was sent home. Poor Raj. On the plus side I could use this to my advantage.

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