Drown town Abbey

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I woke up and began to train outside, I'd say after a night of talking to Priya I'd say she is my biggest competition, she's been training for this since birth LITERALLY! HER FIRST BUNGY JUMP WAS WITH HER OWN UMBILICAL CHORD! So I'm training harder then ever. "Hey Y/N-" suddenly out of shock and reflexs I turned and punched the guy behind me! Only to see Damien. "Oh shoot!" I yelled as I held him up "sorry about that, you okay?" I asked "I'll- I'll live" he said "so what's up?" I asked "I was just- wait what were you doing?" He asked "oh I was just Training" I shrugged "training?" "Yeah" I smiled "right...well I just wanted to say-" "campers it's challenge time!" Chris yelled through the speakers "we should get going" I smiled as I began to walk

Y/N confessional:

"Damiens nice, I really like him" I smiled then my face went red as I realized what that sentence may be taken as "Platonically! I like him as a friend! You know not in a romantic way!" I said as I Buried my red face in my hands.

End of confessionals

"Welcome to Total drama islands most gruelling challenge ever. Not going to lie there will be casualties" Chris smiled as me and Damien exchanged a look, and that look turned into me stepping away from scary girl as she started laughing at the word 'casualties' what I would give to know what's going through her head right now.

Scary girl confessional:

"🎶 If you're gonna hide a body clap you're hands *claps hands* if you're gonna hide a body clap your hands *claps hands* 🎶"

End of confessional

"One person from each team will be selected to sit out and watch" Chris smiled, then everyone (but me, Scary girl and Priya) put their hands up "haha nicd try we'll drawer two names at random. For the frogs of death, Julia" Chris smiled "I am with you in spirit team, 'hashtag cheering4you!' " she grinned.

Y/N confesional:

"Unpopular opinion, I do not trust Julia. There's something off about her. Welp I won't have to worry about that until the merge atleast this is me assuming we make it to the merge"

End of confessional

"And sitting out for the ferocious trout will be...Damien" Chris smiled "YES! WOO! YEAH BABY- I mean uh good luck team? Go team" he said as he saw our looks of unamusement. "Ok! Let's get started" Chris smiled as he pressed a button, then two glass chambers emerged from the ground "Julia, Damien in you go" Chris smiled. Reluctantly they got into the glass tubes. Only for it to lock! "Hey! Why do we got to be locked in?" Damien asked. I felt slightly worried, this is Chris McLean we're talking about he had a season full of Mutent animals +1 Mutent contestant I'm worried about Damien- what he's planning! He gave us our helmets and Chef began to explain the challenge "today's game is called the obstacle course of death. First you begin with a classic army style rope climb wall then you will crawl under the barbed wire" Chef explained "Wait can we go back to Juila and Damien? Why are they locked in the weird tubes?" I asked but I was ignored. "After the wire crawl you'll traverse a long greased platform until you reach the end where you'll use a rope to swing to a branch that holds your teams code key number." Chef said "each team maybe must retrieve one number and you'll need all six numbers to release your team mate from the booths that will begin to fill with water...now!" Chris announced as he pressed a button! Then the glass tubes began to fill with water! "Woah! What!?!" Damien yelled "uh excuse me Chris? No, this top is Dry-clean only!" Julia said in cornsern "Chris this is really dangerous!" I yelled "I know, that's why I'm doing it" he grinned "how high is this water going to get? am I going to have to drink it!?!" Damien asked "oh I wouldn't" Chris smiled "why?" Then Damien realized"is this toilet water!?!" He yelled "first team to unlock their teammate from the water tank wins. And as always the losing team will eliminate one of their own tonight" Chef said

Y/N confesional:

"They wouldn't actually drown them right? There's still a small bit of humanity in Chris right?" I asked nervously

End of confessional

While Damien began to freak out we decided our running order. The order was:






And Scary girl, I was placed as a stand in, just incase someone couldn't do it. I love my team's faith in me. "I'm already ankle deep! Blow the air horn! Blow it!" Damien yelled. Then Chris sounded the horn and Ripper began to run, I watched as he was failing miserably at the challenge oh and guess what? THERE'S BEARS IN THE WALLS! eventually got bored. Then I heard Damien freaking out from behind me. I walked to the tank and placed my hand on the glass "Damien?" I asked "JESUS! Y/N, hi" he said as he calmed down. "You doing okay?" I asked "oh yeah being stuck in a glass tank thats going to drown me is very calming!" He yelled "okay Damien I get it stressful situation but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Atleast not for now so talk to me if it'll distract you" I smiled "kinda difficult when I'm probably going to die" he said to me "well let's not think about that for now okay? Let's think about... Why'd you join the show?" I asked "my friends dared me to make an audition tape, and I was blinded by money I didn't know I was signing up for a a literal death trap!" He said as his panic returned

Y/N confesional:

"Distracting Damien from death is probably the most difficult thing ever. Not that I blame him. he's locked in a tank that's slowly but surely filling up with water. How has Chris not been arrested for near murder yet!?!"

End of confessional

Timeskip to the end of Rippers turn

I was helping Damien breathe when Ripper ran over and pushed in the number. Then chase ran over to do his turn but was punched off the wall by a bear. "Y/N! Backup!" Priya yelled "on it!" I yelled as I ran "Yeah! Go Y/N! Go! Save my life!" Damien yelled, I smiled to myself a bit and climbed the wall. The Bears hand swung at me but I managed to avoid it! Just bearly (pun intended)

I crawled under the wire and ran up to the greased platform. I then slid along it and towards the rope. I held onto it and jumped grabbing the number and landing on my feet once I hit the floor. Then Emma landed next to me "nice moves Y/N" she smiled "thanks, right back at you" I smiled as I ran back to Damien. I placed in the code and ran past Zee. "Zee Go! Go! Go!" I yelled as he began to run. "Damien you're going to be fine" I smiled "no. No I'm not! I'm actually going to die in here!" He yelled "Chris if I survive this I'm done with this show! Keep you're million dollars! I. am. LEAVING!" Damien yelled "the contract you signed states If you leave of you're own volition you owe us a million dollars" Chris Grinned "Chris if he had a million dollars then he wouldn't be here!" I yelled "exactly!" Damien yelled "then I guess you're staying until voted out" he smiled at us. "sorry Damien" I said sympathetically. "Hey! Hey! It's my fault we're loosing! Vote me off. I deserve it!" He yelled at Chase and Ripper. "Oh I know what you're trying to do" I said as Zee typed in the number. Then it was Millie, and thanks to Priya we were getting a lead over the frogs! Then it was just scary girl Vs Nichelle. And predictively Nichelle admitted she doesn't do her own stunts. Oh my God I had no idea.

Scary gi began to run and single handedly took down the bear! I looked back at Damien and he was a head deep! "Scary girl please hurry!" I yelled in fear for Damien's life. Thankfully she got back and Infront of Nichelle! So not only did we win but Damien is still alive! Scary girl put in the number and the door opened! And he fell straight onto me. "Y/N! I am so sorry!" He yelled as he got off me "it's fine" I smiled as i felt my face turn warm

Y/N confesional:

"If anyone is asking if I liked having him that close to me I will be throwing you into the shark infested water of last challenge!"

End of confessional

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