Launch back of Notre game

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I sat sadly eating the breakfast burrito as everyone talked about the whole "burning down the kitchen thing yesterday" it felt really off without Damien.

Y/N confesional:

"So Damien was voted off yesterday. And I'll admit I miss him" I sighed "but that's not my focus! Time to get my head in the game and win that million!" I announced

End of confessional

Suddenly Julia slammed the door open! "Julia! I'm so sorry about abandoning you yesterday I just-" "oh it's fine. I know you didn't do it anyway" she said as she walked past me. "Hey Julia, where you been? Insulting Forrest creatures?" Bowie laughed. Suddenly Julia grabbed his burrito and hit him! "Julia!" I yelled "you can't slap a man with his own burrito!" Ripper yelled earning a burrito thrown at him! "Who posted the video of me yelling at the dinosaur?" She asked with a glare "I know Y/N is innocent so who did it?" She threatened as we all sat there. I smiled a bit

Y/N confesional:

"I should be scared but I kinda prefer new Julia over annoying old Julia, also I'm kinda glad Damien was voted off so he wouldn't be harassed by new Julia, hm. Mabye an alliance with Julia would be beneficial during the merge"

End of confessional

She left and we were all called to the field. "Okay! Today's challenge is called stranger flings!" Chris announced "each team gets the own state of the art medieval catapult, which you all used to fling Your teammates as far as you need to. The goal is land teammates into one of the 3-point values. Land in the first one that's 1000 points second is 2000, 3rd is-" "let me guess 3000?" I asked "but what's with the craters in front of and behind each target?" Bowie asked "those are surprise penalty pits if you overshoot or undershoot your target your land in there." Chris explained. Then I saw next to me Chase was very nervous. "Chase you good?" I asked "oh yeah I'm- I'm fine!" He said nervously"you're afraid aren't you" I smirked "ha! Oh Y/N that's nonsense" he laughed nervously. "Okay then get in" I said as I placed my hands on my hips "well- see the thing is- fine. Just don't tell anyone" he whispered that last part "you're secrets safe with me" I shrugged "but you make it very obvious" i said as the game started. Priya sent Millie into the air and she landed in the 3000 pointer! Priya shot Zee next, then Chase.

Once everyone was back Chris announced the winner takes all target. It was our only hope of winning! I sighed "put me in the catapult" I said as I sat down. "Priya I really hope you know what you're doing" I said nervously "trust me! I got you" she smiled "thanks Priy-AHHHHH!" I screamed as I got flung away from the others! I began to smile! I looked around it was beautiful! I felt like I was flying! Then Julia came into my view. "Hey Julia" I smiled "shh! I'm trying to focus!" She said harshly. I began to go down earlier! I had no choice. "Sorry for this Julia but I need to win for my team!" I yelled as I pushed myself up using her back! Causing her to fall and me to go back up!

Y/N confesional:

"Sure I could've helped her but I had no other choice, I guess I can kiss that alliance goodbye. Meh I'll live"

End of confessional

I then approached the storm cloud. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly as I heard the lightning. Suddenly a loud strike of lighting caused me to jumped and I fell! Into the 10,000 pointer! I breathed heavily as I looked around the landing "did I just- I just did that!" I grinned as I got up and ran outside! "I just did that!" I grinned, I had just won it for my team! I ran back and gave Priya and Millie a giant hug "that was so amazing!" I grinned.

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