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When I entered the Blitz, I felt like there were two saucepans attached to my eyelids. I rubbed at them, trying to rid the images flashing before them. Of the demons that clung to my memories and hoped a dose of caffeine would stop me from befalling the trap of descending into unconsciousness. It was safe to say that my bed would be empty tonight.

For most of my days, I found myself in Ms Johnson's backyard. Either planting roses or doing any other odd jobs like fixing the loose slate on her shed's roof. It was the safer option. Rather than confront my parents about my run in with Dante, Sam's grandma never questioned me about my bruises other than telling me to be more careful and a shake of her head. That meant any run ins with my mom or dad were kept to a minimum. Even though it had only been a couple of days, I'd made a habit of continuing my avoidance game. To the point where I would do anything just to get out of the house and rid myself of the feeling of being suffocated. It had begun to get quite exhausting.

The diner was almost empty tonight. The warm aroma of coffee lulling my eyes shut but I resisted and instead went up to the counter. The guy behind it gave me a strange look, "You alright, mate?"

I shot him a dark look and he backed away instantly. "Just asking." He muttered as he worked the coffee machine.

I watched him put the cap on the styrofoam cup and wondered why I hadn't just stayed at home and made my own coffee. It was a fairly easy task and would have saved me three bucks. Yet here I was.

With a stiff smile, the guy handed over my drink. I grabbed a handful of the sugar packets and turned around to leave when something caught my eye. For a second I hesitated, knowing I would be better off walking out the doors so I don't know what it was that made me slide into the booth where the lone figure was sat.

She didn't notice me at first, her head buried in her arms and her shaking shoulders an indication of something more than just a friendly drop in. She shrank into herself as if to bar herself from the rest of the world and it was working until I loudly ripped open a sugar packet and dumped the contents into my coffee.

"Hey," she looked up, hastily wiping a finger under her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Came for a midnight snack." I ripped open another packet.

"Coffee isn't a snack."

"Then neither is whatever you had." I said, gesturing towards her empty cup that had a lined rim of something green.

"It's green tea and I'll have you know that it's very healthy." She attempted a laugh but it got stuck somewhere along her throat. Her nose was a bright pink as she coughed. "Aren't going to ask me why I was crying?"


"That's different." She muttered under her breath before looking back up.

I scrutinised her for a couple of seconds. "You look like crap."

"Thanks, you look great too. Did you go back for seconds with Hampton?"

I inhaled sharply but quickly released the breath with a shake of my head, "No."

We fell into silence after that. A comfortable sort of silence, with me continuing to sweeten my beverage and her running her hands through her hair multiple times. "I don't know." She finally said. "I just felt like crying. There's not really any reason behind it. I know that sounds weird--"

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