Chapter Four: A Difference

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Steve was on the phone to Mike and Dustin's mums, letting them know they were most likely going to stay the night because they were playing their game.

Steve hung up the phone and called out to Mike and Dustin to let them know they could stay, to which both boys excitedly responded, they got to stay up later when they were with Steve because their mums trusted him.

Steve walked back over to the living space where they were all still talking about the campaigns, Steve was weirdly exhausted but if they were going to stay up later he'd have to make sleeping arrangements.

"Alright Mike and Dustin you get the room you usually sleep in, make sure you've finished this by midnight, the last thing I need is two hyperactive, sleep deprived children running around my house"

Mike and Dustin nodded, thankful that Steve was even letting them stay up that late since their friends were over. Steve turned to Jeff and Gareth who were talking to each other,

"I've got another room, the bed separates into two if you prefer that so you guys can stay if you don't want to drive home that late"

Gareth and Jeff looked at Eddie who was smiling at Steve. Steve had offered both bedrooms up which meant the idea of Eddie sleeping in his bed hadn't left.

Gareth and Jeff had never felt fully comfortable but they had seen the way Eddie acted around Steve so they were willing to give him a chance,

"Thanks, you can leave the bed" Jeff said, really just to see if Steve would say anything rude but to his surprise Steve just nodded and finally turned to Eddie,

"Want to stay too?"


Steve didn't specify where Eddie was going to sleep, he just assumed Eddie knew it'd be in his room, because he knew thats where Eddie felt most comfortable of course.

It was only 10 when Dustin looked at the clock but he could see Steve was getting slightly bored and that 'mamma crankiness' was starting to come out.

"If you want Steve we can chuck on a movie now, we've been doing this for a while and there's always tomorrow to do more"

"I agree with Dustin" Mike stretched his arms, "plus Steve has a great selection of movies" he turned to Gareth and Jeff.

"Yeah go nuts, nothing that's going to keep you awake all night though, talking to you Henderson!"

Dustin flayed his arms, looking at Mike in a 'why is it always me?' tone.

Gareth and Jeff walked over to the shelf next to the tv where all of Steve's movies and cds were kept.

"Got to give it to you Steve, you have some good taste" Gareth said

Steve was excited he was actually getting a response from Gareth and Jeff, "oh yeah?"

"We allowed to pick one?"

"Yeah sure, I'm alright with whatever. I'm going to go put some sheets on the beds first though"

Steve walked down the hall, opening the second and third door.

"What's in there? You pulled me away from it the other day" Eddie asked about the first room.

"Jesus Christ Munson you scared the shit out of me!"

"That sounds messy" Eddie scrunched his face up.

"Ha cute. It's just Robin's room but I don't like other people going in there because it's her safe space"

"Her safe space?" Eddie kept the door closed, it was sweet Steve did that for her.

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