Chapter Twelve: Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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I'm backkkkk with another chapter
Thank you to the people who are reading, voting and commenting, it means a lot!

Steve stood in the archway of his front door and watched as Wayne pulled into the driveway. Wayne got out, despite the weather, and walked up to where Steve was standing. He took a deep breath, as if he was going to say something to Steve but it fell short and he just pat Steve's shoulder gently, gesturing for him to come to the car.

The drive felt longer than it actually was, Wayne and Steve stayed silent, Wayne stuttered a couple of times but Steve smiled and told him it was okay. The two hopped out of the old car and walked to the trailer door, when it opened Eddie was standing about three footsteps away from the entrance.

"Hey kid, he's fine" Wayne roughed up Eddie's hair then headed for the kitchen.

Eddie gave a relieved sigh when he saw Steve's smile and walked closer, not that there was much space for him to walk since he had been waiting so close to the door.

"Wait was Eddie Munson, THE Eddie Munson, waiting for me?"

"Oh piss off" Eddie rolled his eyes but then smiled as he felt Steve hug him, his head now buried in Steve's chest as he listened to the rise and fall of Steve's breath. This is what Eddie had needed, just to see Steve ok, or as ok as he could be.

Steve and Eddie laid in Eddie's bed together, Eddie slowly falling asleep as Steve played with his hair and scratched his arm. They listened to music on the radio and just took in the moments they were sharing. Steve fell back into his pillow and began to shut his eyes, feeling himself also fall asleep as he heard Eddie's light snores.

As the early morning rays of light shone through Eddie's old curtains, Eddie woke up only to find Steve gone. Eddie panicked and, still in Steve's clothes from the night before, rushed out into the living room.

After looking Eddie up and down with an amused smirk, Wayne came over and held Eddie's shoulders, getting him to hold eye contact and take deep breaths.

"He's ok, kid. You slept in, it's almost noon. Harrington wanted to get home because you got people coming over this weekend"

"We do?"

"No, not us" Wayne shook his head laughing, "you two! Something about a shed?"

Eddie smiled, that's right, Eddie wasn't the only one Steve needed to let know about his safety, the kids and Robin would be waiting too. Eddie got ready and said goodbye to Wayne as he headed out, making his way towards Steve's house.

Meanwhile at the Harrington household, Robin was pulling Steve into a suffocating hug, checking every inch of his head, arms, legs and chest for any type of injuries that could've been added since she last saw him.

"Robin I'm ok, I promise"

"I know I know, I just worry, and I have the right to"

The two took a moment to just sit still with each other before they headed over to the shed. Steve opened up the garage looking door and smiled at the clean space, proud of how much they had achieved in one day.

Eddie and Vickie both arrived at the same time and came through the front gate with happy smiles to see Steve standing, Steve whispering to Robin to not tell Vickie about what happened behind their shop.


"Hey Vickie! How you doing?"

"I am doing ok now that you're ok and Rob isn't twitching" she laughed to herself as Robin rolled her eyes and brought Vickie into a hug.

Eddie and Steve began talking, sitting next to the pool with their feet dipped in, when they heard the sound of many smaller voices come forward.

Dustin ran into the backyard and smiled widely as he saw Steve, not noticing any injuries and just being happy that Steve was back. The other kids made their way into the backyard holding a bunch of colourful packages.

We Will Be Ok (Eddie x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now