Chapter Six: Who's Bisexual?

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The early morning hours woke Steve as the sunlight flooded through the large windows. He lifted his head and saw his hand intertwined with Eddie's, he looked up at Eddie who was still sleeping soundly.

Steve slowly rose from where he had been sleeping, he had slept upright so his back was sore and his head ached. He got up carefully, making sure not to wake Eddie, and moved to the other bedrooms.

He pressed his ear against Robin's door and heard the light snores coming from within, hoping they both had well rested sleeps. He moved to the boy's bedroom where he saw Dustin still in a deep sleep, oblivious to the reality surrounding him that Steve knew Eddie would try and shield Dustin from.

Steve moved to the kitchen and started making a hot drink when he heard shaky footsteps coming towards him, Eddie smiled and got onto one of the kitchen's chairs, being careful of his back.

"Morning Harrington"

"Morning Munson, how do you feel?"

Eddie stared down at his hand and smiled, "I had a good sleep so my head's at peace but my back is still sore"

Steve stared at his own hand, maybe he had a shot with Eddie, if he could prove he was genuine and really not the guy that Eddie use to know.

Eddie watched Steve who was smiling at the counter, "can I have a drink?"

"Oh of course! Sorry, what do you want?"

"What do you have?"

"Well I'm currently making myself a jasmine tea"

Eddie scrunched up his face, "got anything normal?"

Steve started grinning, "Munson have you ever actually tried tea before?"

"Of course I have! I'm just- I'm just a coffee drinker"

"Ok then, how do you like your coffee?"

Eddie got up and walked into Steve's kitchen, dragging him into the pantry. Steve stared at Eddie as the two stood mere inches away from each other, Steve tried keeping his hands to his sides when he felt Eddie moving closer. Eddie smiled at Steve who was blushing and he leaned in,

"Where do you keep your coffee?"

"Just on the shelf there" Steve swallowed

Eddie grinned, "could you reach it for me?"

Eddie watched Steve squat down, he was sure he could feel the heat coming from Steve as Eddie placed his hands on Steve's shoulders for support. Steve lifted the jar and held his breath as he rose from his knees, still facing Eddie's body, dragging his eyes along his figure as he felt the pressure on his shoulders slowly relax. Eddie smiled at Steve who was frozen,

"Thank you" Eddie left the pantry, now looking at Dustin, with wide-eyes, who had been sitting at the counter the whole time.

"Good morning sunshine" Eddie smiled,

"Good morning Eddie, how are you feeling?"

"Stevie's been looking after me so I'm feeling a bit better"

Steve came out of the pantry silently and stood next to Eddie, smiling at Dustin.

"Were you guys not hot in there?" Dustin questioned as he looked at Steve's flushed cheeks

"No no I'm alright, just looking for the coffee" Steve smiled, "how was your sleep?"

"Good, I can't stay for long though. I'm seeing Lucas this afternoon"

"Fun, when do you need me to drop you off?"

"Around 12, if that's okay?"

Steve took a sip from his tea and nodded, he didn't mind driving Dustin around since he usually didn't have anyone and the places he asked for weren't overly far away.

We Will Be Ok (Eddie x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now