-ˏˋ - Chapter 2 -

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("I sometimes find myself thinking that I don't want to know.")




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" sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ sᴏᴜʟs: "


"What are you doing?" You inquired, giving him a once-over as he strolled along the aisles of the store you specifically picked out, clearly following his instructions. Observing him browse through the delectable products. "Are you seriously that famish?"
He glanced over at you, observing as you stood by the door, occasionally peering outside to ensure that there was absolutely no one, and I mean absolutely no one, who might pose a threat to your safety. "You should totally be snagging some, you know."
"Why are we bothering to collect it? Let's go track down Arisu, Usagi, and Kuina!" Your voice soared as you emphasized each and every one of their names.
He dropped the things in his hands and marched towards you. "Will you just stop freaking out for a moment?"
"We gotta think about our safety here. That tagger is still lurking outside, and it's getting dark. We need to find a place to crash for the night. Plus, those cars they were in? They're probably long gone by now. It's gonna be tough to track them down with a killer on the loose at night." You know, in that moment, you squeezed your lips tight, really trying hard not to snap at him.
You're aware he's speaking the truth, no doubt about it, but it's clear you don't want to be around this person.
You just can't tolerate him, even if he's been helpful today. You're still hung up on the fact that he once deceived you and put your loved ones in danger. Plus, you don't have an ounce of trust in this guy when it comes to your life.
Who knows if this guy will be another version of someone you've encountered in the past? You know, the one who made you believe in him and then almost killed you. The one who played with your emotions and made you look like a fool.
This person standing in front of you can't be taken lightly if he can manipulate you like a pawn. However, you can't ignore the fact that he saved you today, putting his own life at risk.
'What a headache.'
You let out a frustrated sigh, not exactly thrilled about putting your faith in this dude. You're not about to repeat your past mistakes, that's for sure. For now, you'll reluctantly go along with his instructions, not just for his sake, but to keep yourself from meeting an untimely demise.
You'll stay on guard though, ready to strike if the situation calls for it.
"Alright, let's round up the essentials and scout out a suitable spot." You strolled right past him, casually browsing the shelves. He tailed along in your wake.
"What's the matter? Why are you staring at it like that?" Chishiya remarked from behind, observing as you fixated on the canned soup in your hand. "You are suppose to cook it, right." His question? More like a statement, if you ask.
You both stumbled upon a 10-story building, where the apartments had fireplaces. It was a clever idea to cook there, safer too according to him. You had some cans of dry soup in front of you, sitting by the fireplace, with alcohol bottles nearby to easily start a fire.
"No need for you to tell me, I was totally gonna do that." You shot him a pissed grin, your eyes rolling in annoyance as you looked at the can in your hand.
'Alright, let's check out the instructions. Don't wanna mess things up.' 
You thought to yourself as you read the cooking instructions on the can, you were so focused that you didn't notice Chishiya peeking over your shoulder, watching you intently.
"So all we need is boiled water and some chopped veggies, huh... Can't forget about that, just in case..."
"You don't know how to cook?" You flinched by his unexpectedly hushed tone. Quickly turning your head, you saw him crouched down, peering at the can in your hand.
"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You got up in a hurry, taking a step back from him, feeling all flustered and not knowing how to reply to a question he had already answered. He wasn't exactly asking, 'You don't know how to cook?' but more like, 'You don't know how to cook.'
"You won't find any fresh veggies around here either." As he extended his hand towards you, requesting the can you held, he approached, causing you to instinctively retreat and conceal the can behind your back, out of his grasp.
"I hear you loud and clear! I totally understand what needs to be done, k, but I'm.... just struggling a bit to figure out the perfect way to do it." He once more advanced towards you, causing you to take another step back. "Why are you acting this way? I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself!!"
"I just saw that." He took another step towards you, and once again, you instinctively stepped back.
"What the- WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME AS!!" You took a step back, completely oblivious to the alcohol bottles behind you. Suddenly, you bumped into them, causing them to crash and tumble over the edge of the fireplace.
"Y/n alcohol!!" His shout rang in your ears, but it was already too late.
Your eyes widened as you witnessed the alcohol ignite and spread like wildfire, engulfing everything in a massive blaze. You swiftly grabbed the bag filled with essential canned food and necessities, making sure to move it out of reach from the flames. As you stumbled slightly, the guy behind you unexpectedly pulled you into his chest, causing you to lose your grip on the bag. A couple of cans slipped from your grasp, and ..... the explosive?
"Oh shit..."

𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 - 𝐈𝐈Where stories live. Discover now