-ˏˋ - Chapter 8 -

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("Whenever people meet, there is always a parting.")



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"ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀsᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ sɪᴛᴇ: "

A towering tower reaches up into the night sky, casting a mesmerizing shadow over the city below. Its illuminated facade reflects off the shimmering surface down, creating a captivating play of light. The cityscape twinkles with a lights, as if the entire metropolis has come alive with a vibrant dull energy.
The tall tower that's standing proud in the middle of the city at night. The skyscraper-in-progress is all lit up, shining not so bright against the dark sky. It's such a sight to behold!
However, that's not its primary purpose there.
There's this long and narrow hallway that stretches out. It's dimly lit, casting eerie shadows along the metals. The floor beneath is polished and reflects a faint glow from the distant light source.
As follow the hallway, to the darkness that awaits at the end. It's like a suspenseful scene from a movie, where others left wondering what lies beyond that mysterious place. It definitely gives off a spine-tingling vibe!
And there's this group of individuals standing on a dimly lit platform at night. Their faces are filled with tension and seriousness, hinting at the intensity of the upcoming deadly game.
The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, and you can almost feel the adrenaline in the air. The platform itself appears to be an eerie setting, with shadows dancing in the background, adding to the suspenseful vibe.
As if It's a captivating moment captured in the photo, showcasing the thrilling nature of the game about to unfold.
Two figures, one resembling a young woman and a little boy, appeared from the depths of darkness. Attracting disapproving glances, they did.
One of the boys who came before went up to them. He leaned down to meet the little boy's gaze.
"Aww, adorable! How old are you, kiddo?" He flashed a smile, keeping up the eye contact with his forced grin.
'Ten,' he said, and the other boy seemed satisfied— Well, not exactly, but close enough.
"He's just a kid, we can't have him playing this spade game," he told the girl in whispered manner. "If he slows us down, I'll do whatever it takes." And he began to walk away.
"That won't be the case," but his words were met with another voice, confidently. "I just know it," came the reply.
The voice exuded confidence, you could feel it from every corner of that place. It even grew taller, despite its softness.
Usagi shooked upon hearing the familiar voice.
"I knew I had it in me to find you," she said with determination.
Without skipping a beat, In the heart-pounding chaos of the game, Usagi's desperation reaches its boiling point. As she catches sight of her lover amidst the twisted maze, her entire being ignites with a relief and possessive fire.
'She's finally here.... In my reach.'
With each step she takes, her body trembles with a mix of fear and anticipation, her heart racing like a wild stallion. A desire to cage the said figure in her arms.
Finally, Usagi don't know how long but it's a eternity for her without her possession.
Finally, they stand face to face, both pair of eyes locked in a magnetic gaze that speaks volumes.
In that electrifying moment, all reason and caution are forgotten.
Usagi's hands, fueled by an itching need, find her way to her lover's waist, gripping tightly as if afraid to let go, earning a groan, but ignored. Their bodies press together, fitting like two puzzle pieces perfectly aligned.
The heat between them intensifies, their breaths mingling in the air, creating an intoxicating blend of desire and desperation.
Finally their lips meet in a passionate collision, a hungry dance of tongues and teeth. It's a kiss born out of longing, a desperate yearning to taste and claim each other.
Their mouths move with a fervor that defies the chaos around them, their tongues exploring every crevice, every secret hiding place. It's a kiss that speaks of a love so fierce, so intense, that it consumes them both but mostly Usagi.
Usagi wasn't having any of it.
Her protest...
Her weak push against her shoulder, that she wanted to laugh...
Her painful groan-
With a gentle smack on the lips, she pulled away, allowing the smaller girl to catch her breath.

𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 - 𝐈𝐈Where stories live. Discover now