-ˏˋ - Chapter 10 -

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("One time, one meeting.")



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"ᴛʀᴀɴsɪᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ: "

{A/n:- first of all, I apologise for this late post, well couldn't do anything when I went to a 'surprise trip' n as my pc was here, so yeah and secondly, there's no way in the hell, m gonna let the oc play that freaking, hellish, nightmare of a bloody fucking acidic game that Chishiya's playing!! Oh come on, you've already played an acidic game once and none of you even liked it a bit!! So be real n stay far away from that arena, k?}

You've come a long way, lots of stuff changed on the road.
You can tell, there's been some real growth and progress in you.
This game turned you into someone you never imagined... strong, wise, mature, composed, but above all, determined.
"Shall we go?" A hand clasped your right one. As you glanced sideways, a soft smile crept onto your face.
"It's not too painful, right?" Another voice inquired, while a gentle hand enveloped you in its comforting warmth.
Keeping that grin, you gave a slight shake of your head. Nah... not really in agony, well, you can tough it out for your loved ones.
You don't want them down with you, and you're definitely not gonna pull them down.

You're gonna pull through...
You're gonna return...
To where you truly belong...

"Usagi..." You whined, bouncing your leg up and down in anticipation. "Arisu's been gone a while and hasn't come back yet." because your boyfriend still hasn't returned from his supposed hunt.
"Don't fret, he'll be back soon." She softly stroked your face. "You need to rest, remember."
"Told you, I'm all ri-mmph." Your words died down by her unexpected kiss.
Your heart raced with a mix of emotions, Usagi's hand gently cups your cheek as you both share a brief moment of connection.
The world around you seems to fade away as you're lost in the intensity of the kiss, feeling a rush of emotions you hadn't expected. Usagi's hand finds its way to your waist, pulling you in closer as the kiss deepens, the moment feeling both surreal and electrifying.
The surrounding around you is silent, save for the sound of both of yours beating hearts and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.
After a moment or so, she pulled away.
"Seems like things might escalate if you keep pushing, you wanna go?" She hinted with a smirk, her words more of a caution than a simple question, signaling for you to zip it.
Yep, it's confirmed... you're definitely. a. bottom.
Every fibre in you screams, BOTTOM!!!
"You always treating me like a child," you grumble rubbing your sore lips, causing her to chuckle. "I'm perfectly fine, tho." She smiles at your response, leaning in for another kiss, but both of you freeze as your eyes widen at the sudden sound of...
"Gunshot?... Arisu."
"You stay here I'll go chec-"
You startled her, leaping to your feet, and she groan, interrupting her. Usagi stood by you, though it wasn't really needed. Together, you both headed towards the source of that noise.
During the journey, you guys caught a few more gunshots, causing your panic to escalate.
'Please stay safe.... Please.'
You sprinted, pushing your legs to their limits.
You finally reached the scene, and what you saw was unexpected. Arisu stood there, safe, alongside Chishiya, and wait... is that Niragi?
They appear to be deep in conversation, and you're left in the dark about the subject...
"What's the deal here?" You inquired as soon as you snapped back in your world, with Usagi right behind you, equally puzzled by the scene.
The tension in the air is so thick, even in this wide-open field, you could slice it with a knife. It's a clear sign that something crucial... something deeply personal is unfolding here.
"You made it, at last." You heard, and the familiar voice almost made you jump. He lifted his gun towards you... "Hi beautiful~ Couldn't do it last time, but... I'm not letting you slip away this time." Just like before? and... taking you with him? What does that mean-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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