92. Wingwomen

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Language: French

This movie gives total French Charlie's Angels vibes, it doesn't beat the original of course but it wasn't bad. Especially one of them being sapphic helped very much, bonus to that is Sam being one of the most gorgeous women I have seen. I would literally watch Sam do anything for hours.

On one hand, as much as I love Sam being the gorgeous sapphic racer grieving her dead wife, I CAN'T and WON'T ignore the chemistry between Alex and Carole. It is so much like Netflix to give us a queer character who doesn't have a real onscreen relationship but name the couple with suffocating chemistry as 'best friends'.

'If I were a man, I wouldn't be afraid to love you'. Holy Fucking Shit if it is not one of the gayest things I have heard ever let alone in this movie even though there is an actual lesbian character. Actually, Carole's whole monologue at the of the movie is a fucking love declaration to Alex, and anyone who says otherwise is blind as a bat.

Although it does have a happy ending, I NEED someone to write an ending where Carole and Alex end up together on ao3 ASAP.

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