69.Dear David

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Language: Indonesian

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Language: Indonesian

I would say this coming of age Indonesian movie can be considered controversial. The main character could be considered a very close kin of ours as she is a Wattpad girlie and writes spicy descriptive smut of her crush.

Our sapphic in this movie is the protagonist's estranged best friend who suffers from a very common gay curse of being in love with your best friend. I am also proud to say I knew she was gay the moment I saw her together with the MC.

Honestly every other character other than our main one is likable or has a progressive character development. I didn't realize it while watching but what the MC did was kind of fucked up.

Now girl I get being horny and having fantasies about your crush but if your irresponsibility of not switching off the smut tab on a SCHOOL computer leads to a boy getting harassed and molested by the entire damn school, you definitely have a fault in it. Laras doesn't own it up at any point of the film.

Not only that but she is also a very bad friend who abandoned her friend when in need and only went up again to talk to her to get close to her own crush. The only reason she is forgiven so easily is because the bff is gay and in love and it was frustrating to watch.

Thankfully our sapphic moves on from her by the end of the movie and meets a cutie. So as I said it is controversial but if you can ignore some stuff it is watchable.

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