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December 1- December 6 2023

There was this one time in my life,
when I wondered, why am I even alive?
why am I living such a life where no one loves me....
why do I even exist.....
why do everyone, whom I thought would cherish me, just betrayed me...
told me I'm nothing, but a worthless being....
why do this world looks black, wasn't it orange in the beginning...

But than something changed....
the blackness started to fade away......
a bright orange light entered from the empty space,
and woke me up from this nightmare.....
and I realized...., it was me who betrayed myself....
changed for some snakes, that weren't on my side....
Abandoned the ones, who were bout to remain by me.....
Took the path, that was light free.....
And among this darkness, I found a source of light....

An angel, showed up, bright!,
surrounded by fireflies,
I gasped at the sight,
A hand, that was extended from the angel, pulled me in,
and showed me the brightness which I lacked within...
and at the sight, I too smiled,
and I realized, I was already the part of the fireflies.....

And that's how I found my friend group...
A group where everyone cared for me..
A group where everyone cherished me...
A group where I was loved....
A group where I was heard....
A group where I was not a loner....
A group where I too was a owner.....
A group that pulled me from the darkness...
A group that showed me the brightness......

A.n- This poem is dedicated to my friend group, the ones that showed me, that even I could laugh without stopping, the group, where there was not a moment where I did not smile, and a group, where everyone liked me,a group that I still very much cherish,and miss them too!

Don't forget to upvote!, Hope you enjoyed (^.^)~

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