Chapter Two: Not So Sinful

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Ace Villan

"Did you know that back in ancient England, they used hollowed-out skulls as cups and bowls?"

Carter froze before he dropped his colored pencil. "Can I go one day without something creepy or violent coming out of your mouth?"

I kicked my feet onto his kitchen table, leaning back in my chair. "Be glad I say these things out loud. Serial killers could never. They want to appear normal, not abnormal. I'm abnormal and loud about it."

"Why are you sitting here with your gross feet on my table?"

I dropped my head back against the chair. "Cade isn't back yet, and I'm bored." I picked up my head and eyed the mirror of Cade. "And any of Alastair's free time goes to you—not that I care—so I must find ways to entertain myself."

Carter arched a brow. "And that includes talking about facts that are of a creepy nature while I'm trying to sketch?"

"I know Halloween just passed, but find inspiration."

He picked up his pencil and pointed at me with the end of it. "Not a bad idea. What else you got?"

"Ancient Romans believed that drinking blood would allow them to absorb power." I dropped my feet to the ground and leaned toward Carter with my pointer finger pressed into the table. "People would literally consume the blood of the fallen in colosseums. They'd ravage their blood. Insane, right?"

"You might be..." He trailed off. "And that is also insane."

"You find me interesting. You would have hidden in your room otherwise."

"Interesting enough." Carter went back to sketching his newest design. "So, you railroaded my engagement by getting engaged to my brother?" He laughed. He wasn't offended. Good. It wasn't my intention, anyway. "You do realize he has a dick, right?"

"I'm well aware of what plumbing he has in his pants, Carter." I rolled my eyes. "Is it a crime? Wanting to help him? I was sick of watching him deal with all the media surrounding your parents. They focused on you and Alastair, and I saw how well that worked. Cameron is off partying every single night--wherever he ends up. I wanted them to have something else to focus on with Cade. Is that wrong?"

He shook his head, not looking away from his sketch. "No, I actually appreciate your willingness to help my brother, considering you would crucify anyone else who attempted to touch you." He glanced at me. "Yet, Cade is an exception."

"Cade is magnificent."

He snorted an all-knowing laugh. "So you've said for the last almost two years, Ace." He paused, frozen for a moment, as he stared blankly at his paper. "Jesus, it's been almost two years since all of this shit went on. I'm turning twenty-seven next year. Oh, what the fuck?"

I rolled my eyes. Again. He was absurd. "Now is not the time to have a mid-life crisis. I'm already twenty-seven, old man."

"Who are you calling old?" He went back to sketching. "You are older than me."

"And so is your loyal companion dog."

"My fiance, you mean." He said. "We aren't marrying for a while, so you're lucky, you little shit." He looked at me again. "And my announcement will be amazing."

I crossed my arms and set them on the table. "Whatever, rich boy. I just wish this came out before the damn holidays."

"Ah, yes, you're a Grinch." He went back to scribbling. Drawing. Sketching. Whatever. "Cade fucking loves Christmas, Ace. You usually go to visit your family for Christmas. Are you doing that again? Because now they know you're engaged. To a man. Will that blow over well?"

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