Chapter Fourteen: Secrets From The Dark

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Ace Villan

I'd been staring at the same place on the coffee table for at least the last hour. I didn't want to move. I couldn't move. Cade was fast asleep in my lap, and I didn't want to wake him. Carter was in the same position across from me, on Alastair's lap, asleep. My family was still gathered—reliving a piece of their own past.

Ethan and Nolan were on the other side of me—my brother didn't want to leave me alone for a second. I couldn't blame him. I still heard the pained screams that came from him when he drew conclusions as to where I was. He thought it was me. He was terrified. Upon hearing him, I had to rush inside. I never wanted to allow another person to fear for my safety after what I'd seen.

Thoughts of Cameron danced in my head to an off-beat song that shouldn't be playing. I didn't want to relive any moment of it. Because not only was I seeing Cade's face as this happened, but Alastair saw Carter. We were all seeing Cameron. The part that we didn't talk about—the part we couldn't speak about because it wouldn't be fair.

Cameron was lying in that hospital room. Not the one lying in my lap, trying not to cry even more than he had. Not the one with Alastair, who refused to even say a word. The triplets were not okay. None of them were. It felt like the fucking world was ending.

It would fade with time, I knew that. I felt a little better hearing that Cameron had woken up.  It helped mend that small part, but we didn't know what came after, and it was a terrifying thought.

"You three saved his life." Uncle Damon said, and I flinched at the sound of his voice. "It's usually a shock to the system when you wake up after an attempt. But I think everything is going to be okay."

Mom spoke next, and all I could do was look at Cade as he slept. Hopefully free of the demons he said he wasn't allowed to have. "I wouldn't wish that trauma on anyone. Most especially my children. You have a few weeks left here—it's up to Asher, but maybe you can stay longer."

I brushed the side of Cade's head as my gaze shot to Asher. He'd been quiet the entire time. Haunted like the rest of us. "Yeah, we can...we'll talk when we're back in New York. I'll need to leave at the same time I was always expected to. They can have extra time off. Of course."

Something was off about the way he was acting. I couldn't put my finger on it. He was staring blankly like the triplets were when they were awake. He seemed exceedingly haunted for someone who claimed not to know Cameron well at all.

But I was starting to believe that wasn't true. Asher held his own grudge for Cameron, and whatever that was didn't matter right now. Whether it was old blood or otherwise, Asher formerly cared about Cameron. To a high degree.

"The team can go back at their expected time." Liam finally said. "They have families to feed, and three weeks was plenty of paid time off. I'll call my team in the morning."

"I told him I'd break his fingers." Everyone looked at Alastair as he stared at his fiancé. "I told Carter that I had no problem making him bleed. But I didn't expect this. No one saw this. How? In this house, how?"

That stopped everyone short before Uncle Tate took over. "Alastair, whether you are twenty-seven or you're sixteen." He looked at his husband. "The signs are all different, and most aren't identifiable. Why would someone question a loved one telling them that they loved them? Damon tore himself apart for not being able to catch it. It's soon enough that we can save you from the pain Damon went through. He's alive. That is one thing I need all of you to hold onto. Don't think about what he will do when he gets out. Don't ask yourself questions that you can't answer. You will spiral."

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