Chapter Five: Secret Santa

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Author's Note: My college semester has officially ended, and I have one month to myself. So, look forward to a slew of updates from this book. I write REALLY fast. This is a first draft, so the updates will be quite a few daily. I want to get to book three. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. So, I hope you enjoy this Christmas-filled story. A majority of it does take place in North Carolina with Ace's parents.<3

Cade Windsor

I opened my eyes to be immediately met with, by far, the creepiest sight I'd ever witnessed. I quickly sat up, staring at the...elf. Doll. Thing. It was staring at me from the floor. Stagnant.

And that wasn't the worst part.

It was surrounded by a circle of lighters.

Ace snorted, and I quickly remembered where I was. "Cade, it appears one of Santa's elves has come to visit you."

Without looking away from the possessed elf—I responded. "Why is he surrounded by a summoning circle of lighters?"

"He had to get here somehow, I presume."

"Right." I pulled my knees closer to my chest. I didn't trust the elf. I didn't look away. "There has been a mixup, then."


I pointed at the elf. "That elf was summoned here for you—not me." I wiggled my finger. "It shares some qualities with you."

Ace jumped on the bed, startling me—I was forced to look at him now. His brown eyes were happy. Excited, even. "Are you saying I was summoned here?"

"I'm not...not saying you weren't summoned here."

"I think your elf has a special connection to you because of me. Remember," He pointed at me with a grin. "Don't touch the elf; it loses its magic."

I rolled my eyes and curled back under the covers. I didn't want to participate in the creepy elf on the shelf activities. It shocked me that Ace was willing to even put the thing out. Though, it seemed like more of a joke than anything else. It was an activity for kids, and I wasn't a child. It didn't make much sense in my mind.

After yesterday, I was determined to put a little distance between us when we were alone. We weren't putting on any kind of show for his family or the media when we were on our own. We weren't actually engaged. There was no need for the extra parts that came with being a fiance. However that would look. I wasn't sure. My virginity wasn't intact, and I've had a couple of relationships--nothing worth noting. But all of this was feeling a little too much for comfort.

It felt like something I could get used to, and it was a scary thought.

Ace hated Christmas for reasons unknown to me.

Maybe I should ask him. He'd probably share since I was open about why I loved it so much. Truthfully, I felt like I was supposed to hate Christmas by now. After everything that has gone on with my brothers and my family, I should have been a Grinch, but I wasn't. I loved everything about the holidays. It was made for family. I'd spent a few Christmas' away from my brothers, and I had Carter back to be able to do it.

I only wished Cameron talk about what happened to him. I missed him.

Ace pulled the blanket back and hovered over me. "Let's take a look at that list you made."

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