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After a while Hope pulled away from the hug and looked down.

Would you like to come stay with me for a while asked Nat not sure how to help the untrusting girl.

I don't want to intrude or be a problem replied Hope her lip trembling as she regretted her answer.

You wouldn't be Nat replied giving her a warm smile and seeing through the girls act.

Hope began to hear her fathers words over and over in her head. Useless, ugly, stupid, waste of space, worthless, fat.

Seeing the look on hopes face Nat slowly stood up and held out her hand careful not to frighten the girl.

Unsure what to do Hope stood up and took Nat's hand. She had decided to give her a chance and if she didn't like it she would come back to the roof.

Nat happy that she would give her a chance, began to lead Hope down off the roof and towards her car.

As they got to the car Hope began to panic.

Nat looked at Hope after feeling her tense up and told her that everything will be okay and that she doesn't need to be afraid.

Although hope has lived a life of fear and abuse for some reason she trusted Nat who she had only met under an hour ago.

After getting in the car with Nat and staring out the window for the whole drive, Hope sat up straight as they began to pull up to a familiar building.

As Nat opened the door and informed her they were there she smiled at hope who was admiring the compound.

After a few seconds of thinking hope finally realised it was the Avengers compound.

Nat looked at Hope and nodded to answer the question Hope was wondering.

Hopes mind

Omg she is an avenger I thought I recognized her from TV maybe she can really help me.

You brat, your so ungrateful yelled Hopes father as he undid his belt and hit her with it.
She groaned in pain as tears began falling from her emerald eyes. Please stop father she cried hopelessly. Shut up or I'll give you a real reason to cry he spat.

Maybe she can finally free me.

Present time

Hope followed Nat anxiously as they headed towards the large glass entrance.

Don't be scared Nat said reassuringly, I won't ever let someone hurt you again.

You promise whispered Hope her voice cracking fear as a tear escaped down her face.

I promise darling Nat said sweetly, as she took Hopes hand again and went inside.

As she stepped Inside still hiding behind Nat's back Hope looked in awe at the beautiful designing of the compound.

Nat led Hope straight to her room so nobody would crowd around her.

Hope then sat on Nat's bad next to her as she explained who lived there and who was already there or not.

Nat suddenly saw a hint of fear in Hopes eyes as she mentioned how many people especially men there were. Noticing this, she hugged her and said that she didnt have to meet anyone until tomorrow.

Hope smiled slightly trying to hide her fear as Nat rummaged around in her closet finally pulling out some spare clothes.
She handed a gray sweetshirt and some matching sweatpants then passed them to Hope and pointed to a the bathroom.

Hope went in and closed the door not locking it though. She changed her old leggings and put on the sweatpants.
She suddenly stopped as she was about to change her sweatshirt.

Hopes mind

Mama please dont tell papa. I will and you will get what you deserve he mother scowled.
She kept hearing her mothers words.
Maybe I should do it.
You cow, you should be grateful her father growled.

Present scene

Hope sat on the Floor looking around quietly. She spotted a razor and took it in her hands as she began to shake. Not wanting to hurt Nat after everything she has done she went to put it down but she heard her fathers words useless, ugly, ungrateful.
She lightly dragged it along her arm at first and then went deeper. She winced after a few times and put the razor back. Knowing Nat would be worried she put her arm under the tap and changed into nats sweatshirt bringing out her old clothes.

Half an hour later

You should head to bed kiddo Nat suggested to Hope as she saw her forcing her eyes open.

I'm not tired lied Hope stubbornly.

I know you are and I also know your scared to fall asleep but I promise it will be okay she said looking down at Hope.

Hearing that she died a little and laid down next to Nat. Within minutes she was asleep.

Nat chuckled a little as she saw her alseep despite saying she wasn't tired.

In her sleep hope snuggled closer to Nat.

Goodnight Sweetheart Nat whispered placing a light kiss on Hopes forehead.

Lost and Alone (Discontimued For Now 27.5.24)Where stories live. Discover now