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A few hours later

Hope began to wake up and looked over to see it was 3 am. Careful not to wake Nat she began to creep into the bathroom and wash off the dry blood that painted her arm. After knowing it was all gone, she snuck back over to the bed and gently got in, falling alseep not long after. 

Feeling the movement Nat slowly woke up  but looking down and seeing Hope asleep she settled back down.

A few hours later

Nat began to wake up, she saw it was 9 am and got her laptop to do some work as Hope slept.

In her sleep she snuggled closer to Nat and layed her head on her lap. Finally feeling  safe.

Nat finished her work and then began to gently shake Hope awake, as today was the day she had to meet some of the Avengers.

Hope wake up to Nat's gentle shake and sat up sleepily. Morning she yawned.

Morning sweetheart Nat replied smiling. Today's the day she reminded Hope.

Do we have to, asked Hope as her chest tightened.

Yes but don't worry Nat replied feeling guilty.

Okay will you stay with me Hope asked shyly.

Of course, the whole time, I promise Nat responded happy that she's starting to trust her.

Hope stood up as Nat gave her clothes and she went to get changed. In the bathroom she pulled off her sweatpants and got into the trousers Nat gave her and as she was changing sweatshirts she traced her fingers over her scars and fresh cuts. Feeling ashamed, she pulled on the new jumper and held onto Nat's clothes as she walked out.
She gave Nat the sweatpants and then asked anxiously if she keep the sweatshirt as it made her feel safe.

Nat smiled and said of course she can but she will need to wash it in a few days.

Hope nodded and hugged her gently.

After a few minutes, Nat pulled away and took Hopes hand then began to lead her downstairs and in to their main living room.

Hope followed anxiously and looked at the floor when they arrived.

Nat pointed on a seat and told Hope she would bring people in 1 by 1 so she could get used to them before the party in a few days.

Hope nodded and waited patiently until Nat came in followed by a beautiful women with red hair slightly lighter than Nat's and whose eyes were more green but not as emerald as her own.

The women sat down slowly on the same sofa as Hope and turned to face her with a warm smile.

Hope smiled back trying to mask her fear.
Nat sat down on the arm of the sofa next to Hope and took her hand rubbing the back of it with her thumb.

I'm Wanda the women said sweetly.

Hi I'm hope she replied a little less scared thanks to Nat.

After a little while of chatting mainly about their interests the two became slightly more comfortable together.

Hope smiled at Wanda as she got up to leave.

Wanda smiled back and told her she would see her and Nat later.

Nat gave Hope a kiss on the head once Wanda had left and asked if she was okay meeting somebody else.

Hope nodded and said she liked Wanda and that she seems nice.

Nat smiled and got up returning with a man this time.

He sat next to Hope who flinched slightly and then relaxed as Nat took her hand rubbing it again.

The man explained that his name was Clint.

After around 20 minutes he went to leave and said goodbye to Hope.

Hope waved goodbye turning to Nat saying how everyone seemed nice so far.

Nat introduced her to Tony, Peter, Kate, Yelena, Thor, Bruce, Loki, Bucky and Sam.

There was only Steve left everyone else was either on a mission or not living at the compound.

Nat left to get Steve and Hope heard fighting from where Nat was. Immediately, she started to panic and tense up.

Nat walked in with an unimpressed man behind her.

He slumped down on the sofa violently, causing Hope to flinch and he just gave her a look.

He started explaining his name was Steve and how he didn't think she should be there as she wasn't one of them.

Hearing that Nat told him to leave and hugged Hope.

She decided to not think about it and hugged her back.

After a few minutes of hugging Nat pulled away and asked what Hope thought of everyone.

Hope explained how she liked everyone especially Wanda, Kate and Yelena.

Nat smiled and took Hope to the kitchen making her some food.

Hope sat at the counter as Nat passed her a plate. She stared at the food for a while than began to eat a few bites. Fat, ugly, pig, useless. Hearing her dads words she pushed away the plate and told Nat she wasn't really hungry.

Nat looked at her concerned but decided not to push it and cleared it up. She then told Hope that in an hour they were going shopping.

Hope looked confused at first as she had never been shopping before except at the start of the school year or on her birthday, but after a while let it sink in.

Nat left the room and came back with a laptop. How about you make a list on here and I'll get it printed off that way we can keep it if you can't get everything today.

Hope nodded slightly and started to type a few basic things such as sweatshirts and sweatpants, pajamas, a hot water bottle, some shower stuff and a toothbrush.

Looking over at the list Nat started to add a few bits that she needed and that she thought would be useful for hope.

They got some bags and got ready to leave as it was a 15 minute drive.

Lost and Alone (Discontimued For Now 27.5.24)Where stories live. Discover now