You can't die, please

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Wanda sat with Hope as they waited for Nat.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash and the smashing of glass downstairs.

Hope's eyes lit up with fear and she began to shake clinging in to Wanda's arm. Her heart raced as different people it could be raced through her head. She heard Wanda's voice as the thoughts overtook her mind.

Wanda took Hope's hand and rubbed it for a few minutes with her thumb, just like she saw Nat doing. She them hugged her and told her to stay there whilst she goes to see what happened.

Hope refused, not wanting to be alone and grabbed Wanda's hand following her cautiously. Her heart sped up and her palms began to sweat as they reached the source of the sound. Seeing what had happened, she fell to the floor in tears.

In Steve's arms was a near lifeless redhead, who was covered in blood. He had a slight smirk on his face but acted concerned.

Wanda hugged Hope and her eyes flashed red as she saw through Steve's act.

Bruce came running in and told Steve to bring her to his lab immediately. He then ran to his drawers and started grabbing stuff to help Nat.

Nat started to gain consciousness as Steve but her on a medical bed. She groaned in pain as Bruce prepped and iv and painkillers. Wh... where's Hope she o..okay mumbled Nat weakly. Starting to panic slightly.

Shes with Wanda replied Bruce attaching an iv to her arm she's okay just a little shaken up. I need you to stay calm. I'm going to sedate you so I can remove the bullet in your abdomen.

Nat nodded slightly. Her eyes began to close as she counted from ten like Bruce had asked her.

Half an our later

Bruce had managed to remove the bullet and stitch up the wound just before Nat began to wake-up. He finished bandaging her other wounds and gave her painkillers.

Nat asked him to get Hope and Wanda and he did.

Hope followed Wanda cautiously into the lab. She saw Nat awake and felt a wave of relief rush through her.

Nat patted the bed next as she sat up slowly.

Hope crept up to the bed and crafully sat down hugging her slowly. I missed you so much I thought you were gone Hope croaked as tears slipped down her face.

Nat rubbed her back and apologized.
I'msorrryi'msorryi'msorryi'msorry she repeated in tears I didnt mean to scared you.

I love you mum Hope said hugging Nat closer.

I love you too kiddo nat said smiling at Hope calling her mum.

You can't die please Hope began to say remembering her best friend.

Hopes mind

No dad stop yelled Hope as her father pulled out a gun pushing it against her best friend Peter's head. You should have listened you brat you could have saved him he spat as he pulled the trigger. The loud gunshot echoed through there house as Hope broke down cyring. Her eyes flashed purple but she bit her lip knowing she couldn't let Peter's death be for nothing.

Present scene

I'm not planning on dying yet sweetheart nat said trying to lighten the mood.

Please don't leave me ever Hope whispered tearfully.

I'm never going to leave you ever your stuck with me Nat replied hugging Hope tighter than before.

Good Hope replied giggling a little. She patted the bed and signalled for Wanda to sit.

She came over and sat down as Hope leaned in to her falling asleep instantly after her overwhelming day. Wanda laughed slightly.

Nat looked over Hope and thanked Wanda for looking after her.

Wanda blushed lightly as Nat smiled at her and then told Nat she would always look after Hope. I was scared I was going to lose you Wanda whispered sniffling slightly.

You can't lose me Wands Nat said smiling and wiping a tear that had escaped form Wanda's jade eyes.

Hope dreamed of her new family for a while but then she started to see the same past she did just a few hours ago.

The figures past

Natalia can not leave. Find her. Yes sir. No let go of her. No don't take my baby. My baby. I will find you sweetheart. Your father and I will find you. I promise. No get off of her. Wipe her memory. Send her away. Prep her for graduation.

Hopes mind

Who is she. Why am I seeing her past. Who got taken away. Who is Natalia.

Present scene

Hope shot awaken shaking. Nat and Wanda turned to her concerned each taking a hand and rubbing it in attempt to calm her down.
After a few minutes she was calm and nat asked her what happened. She explained she had a bad dream but not what it was about.

Wanda knew something was up and she sent a telepathic message to Nat explaining about the memories.

Authors note

We will learn more about the figures past soon and next chapter Hope will find out about her parents not being who they seem.  There will be a gore TW and a TW for detail about self harm.

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